How to Create Best Web Design Framework The best way to create a web design framework is to start with the basics – i.e., the user interface, layout, navigation system and content structure. Once these elements are in place, developers should focus on creating customise features such as responsive designs and plugins that can be used to further streamline the development process. Define Your Website Goals Outline your website’s goals at the very beginning of the design process by creating a creative brief. Ask yourself and your team clarifying questions like those below, and include the answers in the brief to keep your project on course. Choose Your Design Framework Choosing which framework to use for your project is an important step in constructing your website. Choose Your Design Software Once you’ve selected your design framework, it’s time to decide the software that you will use to create your website. framework you selected in the previous step. Create Wireframes & Mock-ups Wireframes are simplified versions of a website’s design which help developers visualise how elements such as menus, navigation systems, images, text boxes, buttons and more will be laid out on each page. Develop & Test The development stage involves writing code to bring the project to life and building out all of its features. Launch & Monitor Once your website is complete and functioning properly, it’s time to launch. Sydney Website Design Agency Suite 87, Level 33, Australia Square, 265 George St, Sydney NSW 2000 1300 684 339 Web Design Agency | Website Design Sydney | Web Design Sydney | Website Designers Sydney | Web Design in Sydney Sydney Website Web designer in Sydney Web Design In Sydney Website Design Agency Sales Funnels Marketing Funnels

How Web Design Framework Helps To Align The Project Scope With Business Goal.pptx - Page 4 How Web Design Framework Helps To Align The Project Scope With Business Goal.pptx Page 3 Page 5