Benefits of Image Optimisation Web page optimisation is critical for e-commerce, blog, portfolio, travel, and media sites. It can help improve your website’s speed and performance, making it more user-friendly and responsive. In addition, optimising your images can also lead to better search engine ranking and traffic, as well as increased leads and conversions. There are many benefits of image optimisation, including: Improving Page Load Times Optimised images can help reduce a web page’s size, leading to faster loading times. This is especially important for users who are browsing the web on mobile devices with slower data speeds. Therefore, if you optimise the images on your website which comprise 64% of its weight, you will also be improving your website speed. This provides users with a quicker experience overall, who are then more likely to engage with your product or service. This includes all the images including animated images, raster images, product images, and other media files inside your media library. Increasing Website Responsiveness Large image files can make a website sluggish, particularly on mobile devices. By compressing your images, you can improve your site’s overall responsiveness and user experience. Improving Search Engine Ranking Image optimisation can help improve your website’s search engine ranking by reducing its file size and improving its load time. Increased leads and conversions Optimised images can help increase the number of leads and conversions generated by your website. Reduced Hosting Costs Smaller image files can result in reduced hosting costs. Although one can opt to keep their current hosting plans, they will be able to enjoy more data storage for your website with reduced storage space required by your images. Image optimisation is a critical part of web page optimisation. By compressing your images, you can improve your website’s speed, performance, responsiveness, search engine ranking, and lead generation. In addition, optimised images can also help reduce your website’s hosting costs. If you’re looking to improve your website’s speed and performance, image optimisation is a great place to start. Your web pages become faster as you compress images and reduce their image file size. Sydney Website Design Agency Suite 87, Level 33, Australia Square, 265 George St, Sydney NSW 2000 Sydney Website Design Agency 1300 684 339 Suite 87, Level 33, Australia Square, 265 George St, Sydney NSW 2000 1300 684 339 Web Design Agency | Website Design Sydney | Web Design Sydney | Website Designers Sydney | Web Design in Sydney