4. Not Reading the Fine Print Many web design contracts contain clauses that allow the designer to modify the agreed-upon price or scope of work. As a result, it’s critical to read over any contract carefully before signing it. This way, you’ll know exactly what you’re agreeing to and won’t be caught off guard by any unexpected fees or charges. 5. Failure to Secure a Written Estimate In addition to reading over the contract, it’s also significant to get a written estimate from the web designer. This estimate should outline all the costs associated with the project, as well as the expected timeline. Once you have this estimate in hand, you can compare it to other proposals to ensure that you’re getting the best value for your money. 6. Not Checking Their Credentials Just because someone claims to be a web designer doesn’t mean that they actually are one. As such, it’s indispensable to verify the credentials of any potential web designer before hiring them. The best way to do this is to check with the Better Business Bureau or another similar organisation to see if there have been any complaints filed against the designer in question. 7. Not Meeting in Person Another mistake businesses make when hiring web designers is not meeting with them in person. While it’s possible to communicate via email or telephone, there’s no substitute for an in-person meeting. This Content Marketing | Google Business allows you to get a better sense of the designer’s personality and see if they’re someone you’ll be able to Profile | Google Map | SEO Suburbs | work well with. Web Design Suburb | Google Business 8. Missing Work History Profile Posts | Document Listing | Web It’s also critical to check the work history of any potential web designer. This includes looking at their Design Map Citation | SEO Map Citation previous projects and clients to see if they have the experience necessary to complete your project successfully. If a designer doesn’t have a lot of relevant experience, it may be best to look elsewhere. 9. Lack of Detailed Proposal A good proposal should outline the designer’s proposed solution to your problem, as well as their fee structure. If a designer isn’t able to provide you with a comprehensive proposal, it may be best to look elsewhere.