1,2 Metalla GEOS 4 Commodity P&P Reserves (koz) M&I Resources (koz) Inferred (koz) North American Royalties 154 462 301 Amalgamated Kirkland Au 1 1 - Aranzazu Cu, Au, Ag 8 14 5 Aureus East Mine (Dufferin) Au - 2 4 Big Springs Au - 11 9 Castle Mountain Au 54 67 29 Copper World Cu, Mo, Ag 29 70 12 Côté & Gosselin Au 6 70 41 Del Toro Ag, Pb - 2 3 Dumont Ni 40 64 19 El Realito Au, Ag - 2 - Esperanza Ag - 6 - Fifteen Mile Stream Au 6 8 1 Garrison Au - 33 17 Island Mountain Au - 1 8 Kings Canyon Au - - 4 La Encantada Au 2 4 3 La Fortuna Au, Ag, Cu - 4 - La Guitarra Au, Ag - 7 5 La Joya5 Au, Ag - - 48 La Luz5 Ag - - 8 La Parrilla Au, Ag - 1 3 Orion Au, Ag - 10 2 Plomosas Ag, Au, Pb, Zn, Cu - 7 8 Saddle North (Tatogga)5 Cu, Au - 16 26 San Martin Ag, Pb - 4 5 Santa Gertrudis Au, Ag - 12 31 Wasamac Au - 33 12 Wharf Au 8 13 1 Australian Royalties Zn, Pb, Ag 22 93 20 Endeavor 22 93 20 South American Royalties Au 363 534 299 CentroGold Au, Ag 17 21 6 Joaquin Au - 2 - Lama Au, Cu - 7 - NuevaUnión Au 93 130 56 Puchildiza - - 10 San Luis5 Au, Ag - 5 - Taca Taca Cu, Au, Mo 149 182 42 TZ (Tocantinzinho) Au 15 16 - Vizcachitas Cu, Mo, Ag 89 128 126 West Wall Cu, Au, Mo - 34 37 Zaruma Au - 16 22 Total 539 1,089 620 Metalla GEOs By Category Metalla Royalty Ounces By Location 48% 7% 44% 49% 24% 28% P&P Reserves M&I Resources Inferred Resources North America Australia South America 1. For information regarding the Metalla Royalty Ounces, please refer to individual asset write-ups. 2. Metallurgical deductions have not been made to the Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves. 3. Copper, Lead, Zinc Royalty GEOs assume NSR deductions of 15% Nickel Royalty GEOs assume NSR deductions of 30%. 4. Mineral Resources are reported inclusive of Mineral Reserves. For assets where the counterparty reports Mineral Resources exclusive of Mineral Reserves, Metalla has added the Mineral Reserves to the Mineral Resources. 5. Mineral Resources are deemed be historic by property owner. 6. Readers are cautioned that GEOs are prepared by the management of Metalla and have not been reviewed or veri昀椀ed by the operators of the properties Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd. 13
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