Hoyle Pond/Bint/Colbert DEVELOPMENT Timmins, Canada OPERATOR Newmont Corporation ("Newmont") COMMODITY TYPE TERMS LAND AREA Gold Royalty 2.0% NSR 228 ha Royalty Summary Royalty & Mineralization Map The Hoyle Pond Extension Royalties are located on claims that Mineralization are beneath the Kidd Creek metallurgical complex and immedi- ately adjacent to the east and northeast of the Hoyle Pond mine Royalty Boundary complex. The Hoyle Pond underground mine is the main contributor to New- mont's Porcupine camp in Timmins providing approximately 60% of the gold production. 2023 production for the Porcupine camp was 260 Koz gold. Metalla's 2% NSR Royalty on Newmont's Hoyle Pond Extension properties includes: The leased mining rights – located in Hoyle township (shown below on royalty claim map), north-east of the Hoyle Pond Gold Mine. The NSR royalty on the leased mining rights is payable after the initial 500,000 ounces gold equivalent threshold is met; The fee simple mining rights – located in Hoyle township, east of the Hoyle Pond Gold Mine; and * For sources, please refer to note 20 on the Notes & Sources page. The Colbert/Anglo Property – mining rights located in Matheson township, immediately east of the lease mining rights; (there is no minimum threshold on the fee simple or Colbert/Anglo properties). 34 Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd.

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