Detour DNA EXPLORATION Northern Ontario, Canada OPERATOR Agnico Eagle Mines Limited ("Agnico") COMMODITY TYPE TERMS LAND AREA Gold Royalty 2.0% NSR 1,746 ha Royalty Summary Royalty & Mineralization Map Metalla owns a 2% NSR Royalty to the west of the Detour Lake Mine. Detour is a large open pit gold mine which has produced more than 5 million ounces of gold since 1983. Agnico reported that Detour hosts a mine life of approximately 28 years with 2023 gold production of 677 Koz. Detour Lake's greenstone-hosted orogenic lode gold miner- alization straddles the Sunday Lake Deformation Zone which extends 30 kilometres on the property striking East to West. Agnico recently announced high grade underground drill results 2.5 km west of the boundary of the West Detour pit, on strike with the royalty boundary. Agnico recently declared an initial underground inferred resource es- timate of 1.56 Moz gold at 2.23 g/t. Metalla estimates the western- most pit boundary of West Detour is ~7 kilometers from the royalty boundary. Mineralization Royalty Boundary * Mineralization in Detour Underground is not necessarily indicative of the mineralization within Metalla's royalty Claims * For sources, please refer to note 27 on the Notes & Sources page. Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd. 41

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