Foward Looking Statements This Asset Handbook contains forward-looking statements and forward-look- the distance of the pit boundary from the royalty boundary at Detour; the 2024 ing information (collectively, “forward-looking statements”) within the meaning drill program at Green Springs and its focus thereof; the expected annual pro- of applicable securities legislation. Often, but not always, forward-looking duction and mine life at Taca Taca; the receipt of ESIA for Taca Taca approval statements can be identi昀椀ed by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", and the timing thereof; the development decision regarding Taca Taca by First "is expected", "budgets", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "predicts", Quantum and the timing thereof; the 2024 production guidance at Aranzazu; "projects", "intends", "targets", "aims", "anticipates" or "believes" or variations the drilling at Aranzazu; the extension of the Glory Hole mineralization at (including negative variations) of such words and phrases or may be identi- Aranzazu; the expected mine life, production and cash cost at Vizcachitas; 昀椀ed by statements to the effect that certain actions "may", "could", "should", the completion of a feasibility study for Vizcachitas and the timing thereof; "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur, or be achieved. Forward-looking the commencement of production at Vizcachitas and the timing thereof; the statements include, but are not limited to, the ability of Metalla to increase exploration plans at Copper World; the expected mine life, production and shareholder value; the ability of Metalla to reap the bene昀椀ts of its extensive cash costs at Copper World; the extension of the mine life at Copper World in royalty portfolio; the future growth and success of Metalla; the commence- Phase II; the receipt of outstanding operating state permits for Copper World ment of production on mines on which Metalla holds royalties and the timing and the timing thereof; Hudbay’s plans to initial a mining joint venture partner thereof; the increase of the resources attributable to Metalla’s existing roy- process for Copper World; the commencement of production at Copper World alties and streams over the next ten years; that most of the gold, silver and and the timing thereof; the expected production at NuevaUnion; the focus of copper in Metalla’s portfolio will be mined over the next ten years; the expect- the 2024 work on NuevaUnion; expected mine life, production and cash costs ed growth of production year-to-year; the management of access, cost, and at Dumont; the potential for unlocked gold and copper opportunities at Saddle allocation of capital among Metalla’s investment opportunities; the maximiza- North; the expectations generally of Metalla the property owners/operators tion of returns to Metalla’s shareholders over the long-term; the enhancement and the authors of relevant technical reports and studies with respect to the of Metalla’s pro昀椀le by the royalties acquired through the Nova transaction; mineral projects in which Metalla has an interest, including without limitation, that Metalla’s stock will enter a catch-up phase and will track closely with estimates of mineral resources and mineral reserves and updates thereto, Metalla’s business over the long-term; the anticipated accelerated growth in production, mine life, NPV, IRR, costs, drilling, development, permitting, water Metalla’s gold equivalent production; the ability of Metalla to become one of sourcing, commodity mix and prices, and the timing thereof; future opportuni- the leading gold and silver companies for the next commodities cycle; the es- ties and acquisitions; future exploration, 昀椀nancing, development, production timates of GEOs and Metalla’s expectations regarding amount of GEOs to be and other anticipated developments on the properties in which the Company received and the timing thereof; statements regarding Côté becoming one of has or has agreed to acquire an interest; future growth, increased share Canada’s largest gold mines; the commencement of commercial production value, cash generation and returns; and Metalla having a path to becoming a at Côté and the timing thereof; the potential for the Gosselin deposit to reach leading gold and silver royalty company. similar dimensions and gold recoveries as the Côté deposit; the potential for the Gosselin deposit to support production levels beyond the 昀椀rst 6 years; the Forward-looking statements and information are based on forecasts of fu- possible inclusion of the Gosselin deposit into a future Côté Gold life-of-mine ture results, estimates of amounts not yet determinable and assumptions plan; the expected mine life and gold production at Tocantinzinho; the ex- that, while believed by management to be reasonable, are inherently subject pected amount of GEOs for Tocantinzinho; the commencement of production to signi昀椀cant business, economic and competitive uncertainties, and contin- at Tocantinzinho and the timing thereof; the expected production at Castle gencies. Forward-looking statements and information are subject to various Mountain; the beginning of Phase 2 at Castle Mountain and the timing thereof; known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the the potential for Castle Mountain to become one of the USA’s largest gold ability of Metalla to control or predict, that may cause Metalla's actual results, mines; the expansion of the 2021 feasibility mineral reserve pits at Castle performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed Mountain; the 2024 production guidance for Wharf; the planned activities at or implied thereby, and are developed based on assumptions about such Wharf; the expected extension of mine life of Wharf; the expected mine life risks, uncertainties and other factors set out herein, including but not limited and gold production at Wasamac; the studies regarding processing the Wasa- to: that Metalla will not be able to increase shareholder value; that Metalla will mac ores at the LaRonde or Canadian Malartic processing facilities and the not able to reap the bene昀椀ts of its extensive royalty portfolio; that Metalla will timing thereof; the expected mine life and gold production at Endeavor; the not achieve the growth and success anticipated; that the production on mines use of the Macassa Near Surface Zone infrastructure to mine the AK deposit on which Metalla holds royalties will not commence at the anticipated tim- and the timing thereof; the expected production and cash cost at AK; the pro- ing or at all; that the resources attributable to Metalla’s existing royalties and duction guidance at Fosterville; the ramp up in mining in the Harrier Zone and streams will not increase at all or within the anticipated timeline; that most of the timing thereof; the potential heap leach operation and small mill facility at the gold, silver and copper in Metalla’s portfolio will not be mined over the next Santa Gertrudis; the expected production and AISC at Santa Gertrudis; the ten years; that the production will not grow year-to-year; that Metalla will fail exploration drilling at La Encantada in 2024; the 2024 production guidance at to manage access, cost, and allocation of capital among Metalla’s investment La Encantada; the expected mine life and gold production at the Fifteen Mile opportunities; that returns to Metalla’s shareholders will not be maximized Stream Project; the focus on the completion of the updated environmental over the long-term; that the royalties acquired through the Nova transaction and social impact assessment for the Fifteen Mile Stream Project; the com- will not enhance Metalla’s pro昀椀le; that Metalla will fail to follow the same busi- mencement of development of the Fifteen Mile Stream Project and the timing ness discipline in the future; that Metalla may pursue transactions that turn out thereof; the expected mine life and production at CentroGold; the exploration not to be accretive; that Metalla’s stock will not catch-up and track closely with potential at ControlGold Contact and Blanket; the court decision concerning its business over the long-term; that Metalla’s gold equivalent production will the request to remove the injunction regarding CentroGold; the expected mine not grow as anticipated; that production, prices and reserves and resources life, gold production and AISC at Garrison; the technical studies and mine on Metalla’s royalty properties will not increase in the anticipated timing or at restart plan for La Parrilla and the timing thereof; the target date to restart all; that Metalla will not become one of the leading gold and silver companies mining at La Parrilla; the restart strategy for La Guitarra; the mine restart study for the next commodities cycle; that the estimates of GEOs and Metalla’s and commencement of commercial production at La Guitarra and the timing expectations regarding amount of GEOs to be received and the timing there- thereof; the potential reprocessing of tailings at La Guitarra; the ongoing stud- of will not be accurate; that Côté will not become one of Canada’s largest ies at Lama; the development decision for Lama and the timing thereof; the gold mines; that commercial production at Côté will not start at all or in the expected mine life, gold production and AISC at La Fortuna; the 2024 produc- anticipated timing; that the Gosselin deposit will not have similar dimensions tion guidance for El Realito; the potential to mill the Chipriona and La India and gold recoveries as the Côté deposit; that the Gosselin deposit will not be sulphides at El Realito; the expected mine life, gold production and AISC at able to support production levels once Côté levels start to decrease; that the Esperanza; the minimum expenditures by Zacatecas at Esperanza; Metalla’s Gosselin deposit will not be included into a future Côté Gold life-of-mine plan; right of 昀椀rst refusal on future royalty and stream 昀椀nancing for the Esperanza that Tocantinzinho will not have the expected mine life and production; that project; the remaining targets for growth at San Luis; the planned veri昀椀cation Metalla will not receive the expected amount of GEOs for Tocantinzinho; that and update of the San Luis historical mineral resource estimate; the planned Castle Mountain will not have the expected production; that Phase 2 will not drilling at Big Springs; the potential mining and milling of the porphyry hosted start at Castle Mountain at all or in the expected timing; that Castle Mountain gold mineralization identi昀椀ed at Cam昀氀o; the testing in the second phase of will not become one of the USA’s largest gold mines; that the 2021 feasibility exploration drilling at Cam昀氀o; the commencement of commercial production mineral reserve pits at Castle Mountain will not be expanded at all or as an- at Anglo/Zeke and the timing thereof; the expected gold production at Anglo/ ticipated; that the 2024 production for Wharf will not meet the guidance; that Zeke; the mineral potential of the area known as Goldrush South on the Anglo/ the planned activities of Wharf will not be completed; that the life of mine of Zeke claims; the 2024 production forecast at Anglo/Zeke; the expected mine Wharf will not be extended; life and gold production at Detour; 58 Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd.
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