Amalgamated Kirkland DEVELOPMENT Kirkland Lake, Ontario OPERATOR Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd. ("Agnico") COMMODITY TYPE TERMS LAND AREA Gold Royalty 0.45% NSR 377 ha Royalty Summary Reserves Amalgamated Kirkland ("AK") is located adjacent to Agnico's Macas- Reserves & Resources - Au sa mine complex and is within a few hundred meters of the existing P&P Reserves (koz Au) 160 Macassa underground workings including the South Mine Complex M&I Resources (koz Au) 37 mineralization. Inferred Resources (koz Au) 52 Metalla Royalty Ounces - GEOs In the second quarter of 2023, Agnico outlined the potential to use P&P Reserves (koz) 0.7 the existing Macassa Near Surface Zone infrastructure to mine the M&I Resources (koz) 0.2 AK deposit as early as 2024, with production expected to average Inferred Resources (koz) 0.2 approximately 19 Koz gold in 2024 and between 35 - 50 koz annually * Mineral Resources are reported exclusive of Mineral Reserves * For royalty ounce calculation, Metalla estimates 100% of the Amalgamated Kirkland Mineral Resources from 2025 - 2028. and Mineral Reserves are subject to our royalty interest. * For sources, please refer to note 7 on the Notes & Sources page. In 2023, exploration drilling at AK continued to convert and expand the current Mineral Resources. Recent results include 21.8 g/t gold over 4.4 meters and 25 g/t over 5 meters. Royalty & Mineralization Map Mineralization Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd. 21

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