New Luika PRODUCTION Songwe, Tanzania OPERATOR Shanta Gold COMMODITY TYPE TERMS LAND AREA Silver Stream 15% AG Stream 1,576 ha Royalty Summary Reserves The New Luika Gold Mine (“NLGM”) is located in the Chunya Ad- Reserves & Resources - Au P&P Reserves (koz Au) 297 ministrative District, Mbeya region in the Lupa Gold昀椀eld of southwest M&I Resources (koz Au) 672 Tanzania, the second largest gold producing region in Tanzania in the Inferred Resources (koz Au) 259 1900s. The property covers one prospecting license covering 49 km² * For sources, please refer to note 22 on the Notes & Sources page. and three mining licenses covering 16 km². NLGM was commissioned in August 2012 with new elution and electrowinning plant installed in Q2 2014 and new crusher plant commissioned in September 2014. The processing facility uses a conventional three stage crushing, two mills in parallel and a carbon in leach operation.Shanta reported that 2023 ended with gold production of 71 Koz gold and 111 Koz silver. Metalla holds a 15% interest in Silverback Limited ("Silverback"). Sil- verback is a privately held Guernsey-based investment company that solely owns 100% of the NLGM silver stream. Metalla receives 15% of the silver produced from all of the NLGM operation under a silver streaming agreement. Silver is purchased at 10% of spot upon delivery. The stream continues through 2026. In 2023, Metalla received 113 GEOs from NLGM. Royalty & Mineralization Map Mineralization Royalty Boundary 36 Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd.

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