@vantagescape George W. Mead Wildlife Area @kittyzach3 Stevens Point Sculpture Park Into the Wild Blooms Blooms with a Vwith a Vieieww Get out to explore the Stevens Point Area’s best Looking for the beauty of wild昀氀owers in the Stevens Point Area?Looking for the beauty of wild昀氀owers in the Stevens Point Area? scenic and secluded spaces! We’ve got youWe’ve got your top three spots, perfect for your top three spots, perfect for your next adventur next adventure.re. @shoua_lor Wisconsin River @achapa_89 Iverson Park 11 GGRREEEENN C CIRIRCCLELE TR TRAAILIL 22 GEGEORGEORGE W W.. M MEEADAD W WIILLDDLLIIFFEE AR AREEAA 33 SSCHCHMMEEECKECKLLEE R REESSEERRVVEE FFor for family fun anamily fun and sd stunning ptunning phhoottogrograpaphhyy, , ImmImmererse yse yourourself in thself in the gre greeaat outt outdoordoors as at t SchmSchmeeckle Reeckle Reeserservve is a hae is a havven fen for wildlifor wildlife e vventurenture onte onto tho the Gre Green Cireen Circle Tcle Trrail. This ail. This ththe Ge Georeorge Wge W. Me. Mead Wildlifad Wildlife Are Areea. With oa. With ovver er anand wild昀氀od wild昀氀owwer enthusiaser enthusiasts. Explorts. Explore its 280 e its 280 picturpictureesque 27-mile trsque 27-mile trail wail weeaavvees thrs through ough 33,33,000 acr000 acrees ts to eo explorxplore ane and md morore than 70 e than 70 acracrees os of dynamic habitaf dynamic habitats ants and rd reessttororaation tion vvarious lanarious landscapdscapees, prs, prooviding 12 unique viding 12 unique milemiles os of trf trails, it’ails, it’s a trs a treeasurasure tre troovve oe of naf nativtive e prprojects, with 5 mileojects, with 5 miles os of trf trails. If yails. If you ou sections tsections to eo explorxploree. F. Frrom drom dreeamamy my meeadoadowws s wild昀氀owild昀氀owwerers ans and rd rarare bire bird sightingd sightings, such as s, such as prpreeffer iner indoordoors, ths, the visite visitor cor cententer oer offfferers a s a tto urban muro urban murals anals and trd tranquil rivanquil river wer walalkks, s, ththe Gre Greeaat Grt Graay Owy Owl.l. birbird vied viewing arwing areea with ca with comfomforortable hantable hand-d- @thisislauryn Standing Rocks County Park eevverery turn is a py turn is a poottential pential phhootto opo op.. Insider TInsider Tips:ips: carcarvved red rocking chairocking chairs, ps, pererffect fect for wildlifor wildlife e Insider TInsider Tips:ips: obserobservvaationtion.. •• EEaarrlly sy spprriinng (g (AApprriil al annd Md Maayy) r) reevveeaalls s Insider TInsider Tips:ips: •• MMoossees Cs Crreeeek sk seeccttiioon bn booaasstts hs heeppaattiiccaa, , HHeeppaattiicca aa annd Ld Laarrgge We Whhiite Tte Trriilllliiuumm.. sspprriinng bg beeaauuttiieess, w, wooood ad anneemmoonnee, a, annd d •• LLooook fk foor Br Bllaazziinng Sg Sttaar ir in tn thhe de drryyeer r •• JJuully iy is ts thhe be beesst tt tiimme te to so sppoot t ppiinnk lk laaddyy’’s ss slliippppeerrss.. ppiicckkeerreellwweeeed bd blloooommiinng ig in Ln Laakke Je Jooaanniiss.. sseeccttiioonns os of Mf Meeaad fd frroom Jm Juully ty thhrroouuggh h •• IIvveerrssoon Pn Paarrk Tk Trraaiill, R, Riivveer Pr Piinnees Ts Trraaiill, , OOccttobeoberr.. •• GGoollddeennrrood ad addoorrnns ts thhe pe prraaiirriiees fs frroom m aannd Pd Plloovveer Rr Riivveer Tr Trraaiil al arre pe peerrffeecct ft foor r AAuugguusst tt thhrroouuggh Sh Seepptetemmbbeerr.. wowoooddllaanndd wwilildd昀氀昀氀owoweerrss.. •• FFrroom lm laate Jte Juunne te thhrroouuggh Jh Juullyy, c, coommmmoon n •• WWhhiittiinng Cg Crroossssiinng Tg Trraaiil al annd Ud Unniivveerrssiitty y mmiillkkwweeeedd, b, bllaacckk--eeyyeed Sd Suussaann, w, wiilld d TTrraaiil al arre ye yoouur gr goo--tto fo foor mr meeaaddoow w bbeerrggaammoott, a, annd od oxexeyye de daaiissiiees bs blloooom m 昀氀昀氀owoweerrss.. aammiiddsst tt thhe pe prraaiirriie ge grraasssseess.. @dja0309 Tomorrow River State Trail @danapabs Steinhaugen Recreation Area 34 Stevens Point Area O昀케cial Visitors Guide | 2024 Stevens Point Area O昀케cial Visitors Guide | 2024 35
Stevens Point Area Visitors Guide 2024 Page 17 Page 19