Seasonal Sightings Patterns in Nature by Kim Compton, Education and Visitor Center Services Coordinator The amazing array of patterns in nature can be Meanders seen year round, but in winter, when the leaves are Look for a dead tree that has areas of bark missing. down from the trees and the 昀氀owers have gone Often these snags will be covered in what appear to to seed, you may be able to see some of these be carved lines. They are actually the meandering patterns more clearly. paths of bark beetles or other borers. Symmetry In some places you will see where a Many leaves are bilaterally straight line is surrounded by radial symmetrical, where the left and lines heading in every direction— right sides are mirror images of that is where the eggs were laid each other. Try picking a leaf o昀昀 and then the larvae spread out. the ground and folding it in half You may even see some general to see the symmetry. wavy lines from the larvae feeding on the tissue of the tree. Snow昀氀akes are also symmetrical, but in six ways. Each of the arms of a Fractals snow昀氀ake are identical due If you look up into a lea昀氀ess tree, you will see to the freezing pattern in the twisting branching of an in昀椀nitely complex our atmosphere. pattern called a fractal. Notice how di昀昀erent types Spirals of trees have di昀昀erent growth patterns. A pine A spiral is the most e昀케cient tree’s branches are whorled way to pack as many seeds around and all the way up into a seed head as possible. the trunk. This type of spiral is visible on both the larger pale A bur oak, on the other purple cone昀氀ower and the hand, has a more uneven oval grey-headed cone昀氀ower. growth pattern as its Plants in the sun昀氀ower, or Silphium, family all branches search for the have spiral seed patterns as well. Look for cup most sunlight possible. plant, prairie dock or compass plant that haven’t yet shed their seeds to see if you can make out the spiral patterns in their centers. Many patterns in nature follow basic mathematical Pine cones also form in principles and algorithms. It is believed that a a spiral. If the squirrels human’s brain is comforted by these mathematically haven’t shredded them all, stable patterns because they represent balance and 昀椀nd one on the trail and harmony. Research shows nature’s patterns in昀氀uence look for that familiar spiral. our well-being, reduce stress and relax us. Stop by a conservation area this winter to experience these Landscapes | Winter 2024-25 patterns for yourself. 8

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