In the News Collaborating and Connecting Community Mussels - The Silent Storytellers to Conservation Over the past three years, the collective initiatives of McHenry County Conservation District and its multiple community partners signi昀椀cantly expanded outreach e昀昀orts to connect diverse populations with opportunities to increase outdoor participation. Programs focused on removing language, income and mobility barriers in under-served populations to embolden the success of a cross-cultural environment, to provide opportunities for impactful living and to create an environment inclusive to everyone. McHenry County Conservation District and its partners seek to ful昀椀ll a goal where people of all ages, cultures and abilities are engaged and empowered to learn about and contribute to conservation in diverse and impactful ways in order to gain a greater appreciation for the communities in which they reside. From clean air and water to positive impacts on our mental health, the bene昀椀ts of nature are countless and meant to be shared by all. Nature is not an amenity but a necessity for everyone’s health and Mussels, sometimes called the "silent storytellers" are vital to well-being. the health of our streams. Because mussels are indicator species, our Wildlife Ecologist, with help from members of our Natural Removing Mobility Barriers: Cycling Without Age of McHenry Resources team, conducts surveys of di昀昀erent stream segments County provides Trishaw rides to senior citizens and persons with to document species diversity and population size to determine limited mobility to enjoy cycling and the outdoors. The program stream health. helps to reduce social isolation and build bridges between This year, some of our surveys of District sites were extremely generations. Rides are o昀昀ered weekends Spring through Fall on successful. One such survey collected, identi昀椀ed and enumerated multiple Conservation District regional bike trails. Cycling Without 1,042 live individual mussels, using a 10 man crawl protocol! Age is an international nonpro昀椀t program that arose from grass roots e昀昀orts by local cyclists and lovers of the outdoors. The success of these surveys were attributed to the location Partners: Cycling Without Age of McHenry County and Crystal Lake Park District at which they were conducted. Both were completed in areas of the streams that have not been altered by channelization, Making Outdoor Immersion A昀昀ordable: An overnight camping were bu昀昀ered by natural areas, or existed far downstream from program immerses families in nature and includes guided nature agricultural 昀椀elds and water treatment plants (thus, not being as hikes, environmental learning opportunities and camp昀椀re greatly impacted by chemical runo昀昀 and erosion). programs. Free transportation and camping equipment is In an ideal world, this is what ALL of our streams would look like, but provided. This new initiative aims to break down access and unfortunately many freshwater mussel species are endangered or cost barriers that exist for families that may not feel comfortable threatened, indicating that the streams and other life within them recreating in the outdoors on their own. The program allows to are not as healthy as they should be. discover the value of nature and develop a long-term relationship Many mussels are sensitive to changes in their environments. with the great outdoors. Populations of mussels have declined alarmingly in recent decades Partners: McHenry County Conservation Foundation, Lake in the Hills Rotary Club because of siltation, pollution, and competition from exotic and the Youth and Family Center of McHenry County mollusks. One way to increase stream health is the implementation of large 昀椀lter strips, at least 40-feet of vegetation where streams Reaching the Latino Population: Conversación de Conservación, border agricultural 昀椀elds. These strips 昀椀lter chemicals and prevent a collaboration between local conservation organizations and soil erosion from entering the streams. Latino community leaders, helps local Latinos connect with the many places and opportunities in McHenry County related to McHenry County Conservation District Police conservation and the environment. Numerous outreach e昀昀orts Department wins National Wellness Award have resulted in special bilingual programs; planting a pollinator The Conservation District Police Department received the 2023 garden; themed picnics, hikes, and paddling outings; as well as Destination Zero Award for their implementation of a proactive scholarships and internships for Latino students. o昀케cer wellness program that focused on physical 昀椀tness, mental Partners: The Environmental Defenders of McHenry County, The Land Conservancy, health, nutrition, stress management and healthier lifestyles. Friends of Hackmatack National Wildlife Refuge, Youth & Family Center of McHenry The program, which was launched in 2019, has become an integral County and The Hispanic Connections Woodstock component of employee/o昀케cer development and management of the department. Indigenous Perspectives: Program and event coordination with Destination Zero, an initiative of the National Law Enforcement the Trickster Cultural Center helps raise awareness, educate and O昀케cers Memorial Fund, is designed to help agencies improve the make meaningful Native American cultural connections about health and safety of law enforcement o昀케cers across the country, indigenous peoples’ relationship to the land today. Community from agent to correctional o昀케cer, from trooper to patrolman. engagement include featured speakers, a winter solstice story- The goal of the program is to create a platform that provides law telling session and a cultural medicine seed harvest day. Future enforcement agencies the ability to o昀昀er safety and wellness programs will honor Native American heritage and the District’s programs and identify resources necessary to begin their own risk grassland grazing bison herd. Partner: Trickster Cultural Center management initiatives. Each year, awards are presented in 昀椀ve 2 Landscapes | Winter 2023-24 categories, and winners are acknowledged in Washington, DC.

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