McHenry County Conserva琀椀on District McHenry County Conservation District NOVEMBER 5, 2024 LIMITING RATE PROPOSITION KEY PURPOSES key facts 1. The approval of this proposition On November 5, 2024 McHenry County Conservation District voters will have the provides a funding source to protect the opportunity to vote to protect WATER QUALITY, preserve WILDLIFE HABITAT, and water quality of our rivers, lakes and streams, improve OUTDOOR RECREATION ACCESS FOR ALL on the General Election ballot. safeguard natural areas and wildlife habitat, and provide outdoor recreation opportunities that Water Quality Protection are accessible to all. The Conservation District will protect McHenry County’s 2. The proposition allows the Conservation drinking water sources by safeguarding and restoring District to protect land, including wetlands, areas that 昀椀lter and store our drinking water. They will that protect and improve McHenry County’s s drinking water sources; protect wildlife habitat a also protect the water quality by protecting and restoring m o h and natural areas that contribute greatly T natural areas along our rivers, lakes and streams. g We to our quality of life and our physical and mental health; protect woodlands and plant Wildlife Habitat Preservation trees to improve our air quality; and provide The Conservation District will preserve and restore essential opportunities for children and adults to enjoy wildlife habitat for plants and animals including wetlands, natural areas and disconnect from technology woodlands and prairies that protect wildlife species such as and digital media. h the sandhill crane, bald eagle, river otter, osprey, monarch t 3. With the passage of the proposition, a i butter昀氀y and bobcat. The District will protect additional Sm y homeowner in McHenry County, with a home d n natural areas throughout the county. Ci valued at $300,000 would pay just $2.25 additional per month, or an additional $27 Outdoor Recreation Access for All per year in total property taxes paid to the The Conservation District will improve trails, enhance Conservation District. However, this will not parks and natural areas and increase outdoor recreation take e昀昀ect until 2026 at which time the general opportunities for all residents and visitors, including obligation bonds will be retired and instead people with disabilities, so that everyone can enjoy the of an increase, homeowners will see a 45% physical and mental health bene昀椀ts of being outdoors. reduction in their property taxes paid to the Conservation District. 4. In 2026, general obligation bonds issued by the Conservation District will be retired. This means that the passage of the proposition will not only provide new funding for the Conservation District to maintain and improve the quality of its programs and services, homeowners will see a 45% decrease in total property taxes paid to the Conservation District on their 2026 tax bill. For a home valued at $300,000, this equals a $94 reduction in property taxes in 2026. 5. The Conservation District is required to limit the use of the dedicated funding for the purposes of protecting drinking water sources, protecting the water quality of rivers, lakes and streams, providing access for all, protecting wildlife habitat, protecting forests and planting trees, improving and maintaining existing conservation areas, and other lawful purposes of the Conservation District. An annual public audit of how funds are spent will be conducted and full disclosure of expenditures provided. Protect WATER QUALITY • Preserve WILDLIFE HABITAT MCCDISTRICT.ORG Improve OUTDOOR RECREATION ACCESS FOR ALL [email protected] Landscapes | FALL 2024 5

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