Special Events LLiivivinngg H Hiissttoorryy EvEveennttss No registration required. PPoowweerrss--WWalalkkeerr HHoouussee,, GGllaacialcial PPaarrkk Drop in any time during event hours. Archaeological Awareness Sunday, September 8, Noon - 4 p.m. See a stone grinder, flintknapper, and other demonstrations of prehistoric skills. Archaeologists will describe how prehistoric technologies are discovered and interpreted. Examples of artifacts will be on display, including those found at the Powers-Walker House. Don't forget to bring your own Weg Thomas finds for identification by professional archaeologists! Twilight at the Farmhouse Thursday, October 3, 6 - 8 p.m. Enjoy the twilight ambiance of the Powers-Walker House by candlelight and lamplight while enjoying a fall evening viewing the ever-changing colors in the Lost Valley Marsh. Smell the aromas and see what is being baked in the wood-burning stove. See how early settlers tried to get the remains of their work done at the day's end. Art Peterson Harvest Time in 1858 Sunday, November 3, Noon - 4 p.m. Step back in time to the 1850s at harvest time. Try your hand at shelling corn, grinding corn into flour or making a corn husk or yarn doll. Witness harvest activities like the baking of bread in the wood-burning cookstove and grinding herbs for winter use. Tour the historic farmhouse to learn more about its restoration. Paul Litke 14 Landscapes | FALL 2024

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