Foundation News d n u n F FFoundation Donoroundation Donors Suppors Support 985 At 985 Acrcre e o i t a v r e Land PrLand Proottection Purection Purcchase thase to Expand Wo Expand Wildlife Rildlife Refugefugee s n o e C h T In March, Openlands, The Conservation Fund, and the Illinois priority for decades. Through patient negotiations over the Audubon Society announced the partnership’s acquisition of 985 course of years, this once-in-a-generation opportunity has acres in Richmond, Illinois to become part of the Hackmatack been realized," said Emy Brawley, Illinois State Director for The National Wildlife Refuge. The acquisition of the former Tamarack Conservation Fund. “Thanks to our collaborative partnership and Farms links McHenry County Conservation District’s Glacial steadfast leadership from advocates, local government and our Park and North Branch Conservation Areas, creating 5,600 congressional delegations, Tamarack Farms will enable the U.S. acres of contiguous protected natural areas. This is the largest Fish & Wildlife Service to dramatically expand public land access contiguous natural land area in Northern Illinois, and the third for residents and visitors of the region.” largest in the six-county Chicago metro region. According to the Prairie State Conservation Coalition, which McHenry County Conservation Foundation was just one of maintains a database of all conservation properties in Illinois, the organizations and individuals that stepped up to make this the former Tamarack Farms is the largest conservation momentous purchase possible. In addition to Openlands, The acquisition in the Chicago region since the creation of Midewin Conservation Fund, and the Illinois Audubon Society, other National Tallgrass Prairie in Wilmington in 1996. partners included the Bobolink Foundation, the Illinois Clean The acquisition will further protect high-quality wildlife habitat Energy Community Foundation, the Gaylord and Dorothy on the property, including 129 acres of oak savanna and remnant Donnelley Foundation, James and Elizabeth Bramsen, Mr. oak woodland, a 75-acre wetland and multiple feeder streams to and Mrs. Jonathan Hamill, and Nancy Hamill Winter. Nippersink Creek, one of the highest quality streams in the state. For the Conservation Foundation, this purchase is the newest More than 200 species of birds, 70 species of 昀椀sh, 30 species of chapter in our involvement and investment in the Hackmatack reptiles and amphibians, 35 species of mammals and hundreds National Wildlife Refuge. In 2012, the Conservation Foundation, of plant species have already been recorded within the refuge the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, and Openlands boundary. A portion of Tamarack Farms is expected to open to partnered to purchase the 昀椀rst parcel of land within the refuge the public once the land is fully transferred to the U.S. Fish and boundaries, and in November of that year, Hackmatack National Wildlife Service, a process that could take up to three years. Wildlife Refuge was formally established through the transfer Hackmatack National Wildlife Refuge is the nation’s 557th National Wildlife Refuge and the of a 12-acre conservation easement from the McHenry County closest to the Chicago, Rockford and Milwaukee metro areas. It is the 昀椀rst National Wildlife Conservation Foundation. Refuge to rely on partnerships to 昀椀ll out its footprint through a cores and corridors model. “Since Tamarack Farms property was under threat of The refuge currently encompasses four conservation core areas that straddle McHenry County development, protecting it has been a top conservation in Illinois and Walworth County in Wisconsin, all within the Nippersink Creek Watershed. Help us Celebrate this Important Milestone! 2255 For 25 years, we’ve had a front row seat to the incredible work being done in conservation right here in McHenry County. From land restoration to environmental education, outdoor recreation to land acquisition, YYeeaarsrs!! we are not doing the work by ourselves; it takes all of us to make a di昀昀erence for public lands and open space. Sign up to donate a recurring $25 a month gift and help sustain our work and directly support on-the-ground e昀昀orts to protect our prairies, revitalize our rivers, restore our woodlands, 昀椀ght climate change and so much more. Every dollar donated to the Conservation Foundation supports the vital work of the McHenry County Conservation District and its partners, while also enhancing the health and vibrancy of our community and its residents. Visit: 4 Landscapes | Summer 2024

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