S W F S l / U e f r o y K e s d n i L S W F S l / U e f r o y K e s d n i L z CCiiccaaddaa C Ceelleebrbraattiioonn l u ch S a j by Kim Compton, Education and Visitor Center Services Coordinator t a K While we have cicadas in our area every summer, this year we will The male cicada’s call is the loudest of the insect world and the witness the emergence of a huge population of red-eyed insects deafening chorus of the whole population making noise at once that have been living underground in the nymph stage for the is said to deter and distract predators who cannot pinpoint from past 17 years. These are called periodical cicadas and the ones where the noise is coming. Each male cicada calls at up to 100 we see every summer are called annual cicadas. decibels—the volume of a chainsaw! The insect makes this noise In mid-May to early June, the periodical cicadas will emerge by by expanding and contracting an organ in the abdomen called a the millions—as many as 20,000 to 40,000 per tree! Once the soil tymbal. 8 inches down reaches 64 degrees, the cicadas will crawl up from The adults only live for a few weeks. After mating, the females their underground burrows and seek a solid support to attach will lay their eggs in the branches of trees, with each female to as they shed their 昀椀nal skins and become adults. Several days laying 300-600 eggs. Many eggs will get eaten by predators, but later, the males will begin singing. those that survive will hatch into nymphs within 6 to 8 weeks. The nymphs will fall to the ground, burrow below the soil, and Cicada Celebration! All Ages feed o昀昀 of tree roots for the next 17 years, whereupon they will Sunday, June 2, Noon – 4 p.m. emerge en masse in the year 2041. Dr op-In A n Fox Blu昀昀 Conservation Area, Cary ytime! While this spectacle may appear and sound daunting, do not be Fee: Free afraid. Cicadas are not harmful to us, our pets, nor to our crops, as they are unrelated to the farm pest locusts. This year is the emergence of the 17-year periodical cicada! Cicadas are actually bene昀椀cial to their woodland ecosystems. Come celebrate these incredible creatures and learn about their When nymphs emerge from underground, they leave small amazing life cycle and ecology. Several self-guided stations will holes that help to aerate the soil. In addition, most animals take o昀昀er education activities and fun. One mile guided hikes will be advantage of the plethora of food during an emergence. o昀昀ered as we search for the sights and sounds of cidadas. Fox Blu昀昀 features 2.5 miles of looped trails and a paved path down to What eats cicadas? Pretty much every type of animal, including the Fox River so you can hike as much or as little as you'd like. people, pets, rodents, marsupials, reptiles, birds, 昀椀sh, insects While we can’t guarantee cicadas at a speci昀椀c date and location— all are invited to join us and arachnids. But the predators cannot eat all the cicadas. to learn more about these fascinating creatures and hopefully listen to their chorus. Those that survive are able to reproduce and lay eggs. Once the surviving adult cicadas die o昀昀, their carcasses release nitrogen into the soil, providing nutrients to the plants. Cicada Sounds Ages 2-6 with Adult Please be aware that cicadas will not be everywhere in McHenry Thursday June 6, 10-11 a.m. County. It is possible the numbers and locations of cicadas have Boone Creek Conservation Area, Bull Valley decreased in the last 17 years but it is also possible cicadas were Fee: R Free / NR $5.00 Code: 9201 never in certain areas to begin with. For example, woodlands in Bull Valley and Wonder Lake were very proli昀椀c when periodical Put on your walking shoes to hopefully cicadas last hatched in 2007, while Glacial Park in Richmond was hear the cicadas on a half-mile hike through the oak savanna. largely quiet except in the far southern area of the park. We shall Then create your own cicada noise maker to take home. soon 昀椀nd out. 6

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