FFeessttiivvaal l ofof t thhee S Sugugaar Mr Maapplleess!! March 9, 10, 11 & March 16, 17 Tours leave 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. every 15 minutes. Register online Coral Woods Conservation Area for a time slot. 7400 Somerset, Marengo • Hear how maple syrup was made hundreds of years ago. • Discover how maple trees produce sap each spring. • Learn how sap is collected from maple trees. • See how maple syrup is made at the evaporator house! Sponsored by: • Get a small taste of pure Coral Woods maple syrup. CARMICHAEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. • Stop by the sales tent to purchase maple cookies, syrup, candy and more! VVoolluunntteeer er aat tt thhe e FFeessttiivvaal ol of tf thhe e SSuuggarar M Mapaplleess Training Workshop • Saturday, March 2, 9 a.m.–Noon, Coral Woods, Marengo Don't just visit — Take part in this year's Festival! Volunteer Positions Needed: March 9, 10, 11 and March 16 & 17 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tour leader; sugar house assistant; tree tapping demonstrator; historical station presenter; or 昀氀oater. Note: Half day shift may be available. New tour leaders and first-time volunteers start off with a pancake breakfast before learning about the history and techniques of maple sugaring and tree-tapping. Contact Community Education Coordinator, [email protected] or 815-338-6223 to sign up to volunteer or to attend the training workshop. No experience necessary. Landscapes | Spring 2024 9

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