Special Events STAR PARTY Friday, April 19, 7–10 p.m. Coral Woods, Marengo All Ages Spend an evening viewing stars, nebulae, galaxies, and even a planet or two with the Northwest Suburban Astronomers and their telescopes! Dress for a chilly evening and bring a 昀氀ashlight covered with red plastic or cellophane PARTIAL ECLIPSE (red light preserves your night vision). OF THE SUN Visit www.nsaclub.org for more information. Hosted by MMoonnddaayy, A, Apprriil 8l 8, 1, 1––3 p3 p..mm.. the Northwest Suburban PPrarairieirievvieieww E Edduuccaattioionn C Ceenntteerr,, C Crryyssttalal L Laakkee Astronomers FeFeee: R $: R $3 N3 NR $R $6 Co6 Coddee: : 88979777 AAlll Al Aggeess EExxppeerriieenncce a pe a paarrttiiaal sl soollaar er ecclliippsse we wiitth Mh MccHHeennrry y CCouounnttyy C Coonnsseerrvvaattiioonn D Diissttrriicctt!! Lea Learnrn a abbououtt t thehe eecclliippssee, h, hoow ow offtteen in it ht haappppeenns is in In Illlliinnooiiss, w, whhy y sshhaaddoowws ls looook dk dii昀昀昀昀eerreent nt dduurriinng eg ecclliippssees as annd md moorree! ! PPaarrttiicciippaantnts ws wiilll rl reecceeiivve a pe a paaiir or of ef ecclliippsse e ggllaasssseess. L. Liigght rht reeffrreesshhmmeentnts ws wiilll bl be e Artist Reception prproovviidededd.. Saturday, May 4, 2 – 4 p.m. Lost Valley Visitor Center Meet the artists and tour the exhibit! Light refreshments will Volunteers in historical ART EXHIBIT be served. attire will be available to answer questions! Explorations in Fiber Arts Tree Project Saturday, May 4 thru Friday, May 31 LIVING HISTORY OPEN HOUSES Lost Valley Visitor Center, Glacial Park, Ringwood Powers-Walker House, Glacial Park, Ringwood The Explorations in Fiber Arts Tree Project explores the Drop in any time during the open hours. beauty of trees through the themes of Habitat, Roots and No registration required. Environment. There are countless ways to capture the Visit this 1854 Greek Revival restored house and learn more wonder of trees and their contribution to nature and other about the resident families who called this area home. living beings. Each artist featured in this exhibition uses their individual Norman & George Powers and unique inspirations that come together to form a Sunday, April 21, Noon–4 p.m. collective body of work of 2D and 3D pieces representing April's program centers around the Powers family the importance and value of trees. and honoring their military service. Just Who is Samuel Walker? Sunday, May 5, Noon–4 p.m. May’s open house features Samuel Walker, a prominent and in昀氀uential man who owned the house in the late 1800s. 16 Landscapes | Spring 2024 Paul Litke

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