ENDANGERED & THREATENED S P E C I E S On the Brink– Today wildlife species extinction is For the past 52 years, the Conservation 12 miles of Nippersink Creek and along happening faster than ever before. District has been dedicated to preserving 10 miles of the Kishwaukee River and Species can disappear due to a natural natural areas, protecting land along major its major branches, Coon Creek, Rush disaster that can eliminate an entire waterways and restoring wildlife habitats Creek and Piscasaw Creek. These are species or slowly because of continuous and greenways that contain remnant considered some of the best remaining changes to the earth over a span of time. natural plant and animal communities. water corridors in the state that support When plants and animals don't evolve or Over 6,500 acres of the last remaining habitat for numerous plant and animal adapt to their changing environment, they rare high-quality natural areas, signi昀椀cant species. Through the implementation are at risk of going extinct. wetlands, savannas and prairie habitats of additional conservation-based Currently, the Illinois Endangered Species are protected within Conservation Areas. land planning strategies, continued Protection Board lists roughly 450 species These are home to endangered and propagation and headstarting of critical as endangered or threatened in Illinois, threatened species such as the prairie species, and alignment with key partners 95 of which are in McHenry County. bush clover, short-eared owl and migrating in land protection, vital wildlife habitat can whooping crane. be spared from the pressures of a growing The main reason many species are suburban population. endangered or threatened today is habitat Within McHenry County's boundaries Help local wildlife by planting native loss due to urban sprawl, development of also exist three "A" quality streams and species and pollinator gardens, providing roads through migration routes and 昀椀lling a number of "B" quality streams. Major backyard wildlife habitat and avoiding the in of wetlands. protection e昀昀orts have occurred along use of herbicides and pesticides. We honor and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, a landmark piece of legislation enacted in 1973 to safeguard our planet's most vulnerable species and the habitats they call home. Marty Hackl Kitty Popenhagen Upland Sandpiper (E) Northern Harrier (E) Black-crowned Night Heron (E) Short-eared Owl (E) Dave Miller Blanding’s Turtle (E) Rainbow Mussel (E) Black Tern (E) Rusty Patch Bumblebee (E) The majority of Illinois listed species are plants, but Illinois threatened and endangered species also include 昀椀sh, amphibians, rep琀椀les, birds, mammals, mollusks and arthropods. Landscapes | Spring 2024 7

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