motion to table the Lugar substitute amendment to the Agriculture Emergency Supplemental. [Vote 261, 7/31/01; Des Moines Register, 8/1/01; Des Moines Register, 8/2/01] XXXX Voted For The Conference Report On The Agricultural Risk Protections Act. In 2000, XXXX voted for the conference report on the Agricultural Risk Protection Act (H.R. 2559). The conference report included a total of $15.3 billion in agricultural economic assistance, of which $7.1 billion would be to provide immediate financial assistance to farmers and $8.2 billion would be to pay for improvements and increased subsidies over 5 years to the Federal crop insurance program. The crop insurance reforms in this bill would encourage producers to undertake additional risk management activities and encourage increased participation in the crop insurance program. It would also address perceived regional inequities in the program, and expand and improve the risk management tools available to specialty crop producers. The conference report was agreed to, 91-4. [Vote 115, 5/25/00]  XXXX Voted For Senate Passage Of A Bill To Help Farmers Manage Agricultural Risks. In 2000, XXXX voted for final passage of the Risk Management for the 21st Century Act (H.R. 2559). The bill, as amended, would raise insurance premium subsidies to make Federal crop and revenue insurance policies more affordable for farmers, particularly at higher levels of coverage. The bill would also encourage the development of insurance coverage for specialty crops and revenue insurance on a whole farm rather than on a commodity-by-commodity basis. The bill passed, 95-5. [Vote 44, 3/23/00] XXXX Opposed Disaster Relief Aid for Farmers. XXXX voted three times to kill amendments to an agriculture appropriations bill that would have provided as much as $10.8 billion in emergency agriculture assistance to farmer and ranchers, including disaster relief and income loss payments. [Vote 250, 8/3/99; Vote 255, 8/4/99; Vote 256, 8/4/99] ETHANOL AND RENEWABLE ENERGY SEE ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT CHAPTER F XXXX Twice Voted Against Ethanol Provisions in 2005. In 2005, XXXX voted for an amendment that would have striped ethanol requirements from an amendment to the Energy Bill requiring the use of renewable fuels. Immediately following that vote, XXXX voted against adding to the Energy Bill provisions that would have required refiners to annually use 8 billion gallons of renewable fuels by 2012. [Vote 139, 6/15/05; Vote 138, 6/15/05] XXXX Voted For An Energy Bill That Would Double Use Of Ethanol And Direct $16 Billion Towards Development And Conservation. On July 31, 2003, XXXX voted for a “sweeping national energy policy that would double the use of corn-based ethanol and direct $16 billions in tax credits and incentives to spur energy development and conservation.” The AP reported: “The way was cleared for passage of the bill when Senate Republicans abandoned legislation they had been struggling over and resurrected an energy package approved by the Senate last year when Democrats were in control.” The bill would spur production of a natural gas pipeline in Alaska and rescind a Depression-era law that restricted merger activities of utility holding companies. According to CQ, the vote was on passage of a “bill that would overhaul the nation’s energy policies, restructure the electricity system and provide for approximately $15 billion in energy-related tax incentives.” It also would direct the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to set a new CAFE standard within 15 months to two years. It would encourage the use of alternative energy and require utilities to increase their reliance on renewable fuels. [HR 6, Vote 317, 7/31/03; Associated Press, 7/31/03] XXXX Voted Against Increase Liability Standards For Renewable Fuels and Ethanol; Renewables Would Have Same Standards As Any Other Fuel. In 2003 and 2005, XXXX voted against requiring that a renewable fuel used for motor vehicles or a fuel containing a renewable additive be subject to liability standards equal to or greater than those used for any other fuel or fuel additive. Iowa Senators Harkin and Grassley voted against the amendment. The amendment would have required gasoline refineries to use 5 billion gallons of ethanol or other alternative renewable fuels annually by 2012, phased out the use of MTBE, and eliminated a requirement that 11

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