amendment to the Campaign Finance Act. [S 27, 3/29/01, Vote 60] XXXX Voted to Provide A Backup Definition For “Electioneering Communication” in Supreme Court Declared Definition in the Bill Unconstitutional. In 2001, XXXX voted for the Specter modified amendment that would provide a backup definition for the term "electioneering communication," which would be used if the Supreme Court declared that the definition already in the bill was unconstitutional. The amendment was agreed to, 82-17. [S 27, 3/29/01, Vote 61] XXXX Voted Against Redefining “Coordination” and Subjecting Coordinated Expenditures To Limits. XXXX voted against the McCain amendment to the Campaign Finance Act that would strike the bill's definition of "coordinated activity" as a type of coordinated expenditure, and in lieu thereof it would define those expenditures and disbursements that would be treated as coordinated expenditures. A coordinated expenditure would be treated as a contribution and subject to hard money limits. The amendment would also direct the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to promulgate new regulations on coordination. The amendment was agreed to, 57-34. [S 27, 3/30/01, Vote 63] XXXX Opposed Allowing States to Limit Campaign Contributions from Transportation Contractors. In May 2005, XXXX opposed an amendment that would allow states to enact laws limiting political campaign contributions by contractors for transportation contracts awarded by the state, without losing federal transportation funding. “The measure would give states the ability to enact so-called pay-to-play laws without endangering their federal highway money. Corzine said the amendment gives states the right to enforce their own anti-corruption measures without interference from the federal government.” [HR 3, 5/11/05, Vote 119; Associated Press, 5/11/05] XXXX Voted To Requiring Greater Financial Disclosures By Political Organizations. In 2000, XXXX voted for a bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require section 527 organizations to disclose their political activities (H.R. 4762). The bill would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require section 527 organizations to disclose their political activities, and would require each section 527 organization to disclose certain identifying information about itself. It would require section 527 organizations to disclose the names of contributors who give it $200 or more in a year, and to disclose the names of entities and individuals to whom it pays $500 or more in a year. The bill passed, 92-6, and became Public Law 106-230. [Vote 160, 6/29/00] XXXX Opposed An Amendment To Require Disclosure by 527 Groups. In 2000, XXXX voted against an amendment that would revoke the tax-exempt status of section 527 organizations unless they gave the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) lists of donors who gave them $200 or more in a year. Further, section 527 groups would lose their tax exempt status unless they also reported to the IRS on each expenditure they made over $500. Senator Warner raised the point of order that the amendment was unconstitutional because revenue measures must originate in the House. The point of order was not sustained, 42-57. [Vote 122, 6/8/00] XXXX Voted Against a Constitutional Amendment Allowing Limits on Political Contributions. In 2000, XXXX voted against an amendment to the Constitution allowing Congress “to set reasonable limits on the amount of contributions that may be accepted by, and the amount of expenditures that may be made by” candidates for federal office. The amendment would, according to its sponsor, “constitutionalize McCain-Feingold.” Critics of the Hollings amendment argued that it would infringe upon First Amendment rights to free speech. The motion to table was agreed to, 67-33. [Vote 46, 3/28/00; Senator Hollings Floor Statement, Congressional Record, 3/27/00] XXXX Voted Against McCain-Feingold. In 1999, XXXX voted against the McCain-Feingold bipartisan campaign finance reform bill that would ban unregulated soft money. The cloture motion was rejected 53-47. [Vote 331, 10/19/99] XXXX Cast Crucial Vote; Against Campaign Finance Reform. In 1999, XXXX cast a crucial voted against campaign finance reform legislation that included a ban on soft money. The cloture motion was rejected 52- 48.[Vote 330, 10/19/99] 95

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