XXXX Voted Against Keeping A New Federal Water Conservation Program. In 2002, XXXX voted for an amendment to the Farm Bill that would strike a plan to set-aside up to 1.1 million acres of total Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acreage for the new "Water Conservation Program." The Federal Government would require farmers who wished to enroll acreage in this new program to sell or to lease their water rights associated with that acreage to the Agriculture Department, which would use the water for species management under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), including for "sensitive" species management. The bill was killed on a 55-45 vote. [S 1731, Vote 24, 2/12/02] XXXX Voted For A Measure With Funding For Superfund And New Rules On Arsenic In Drinking Water. In 2001, XXXX voted for a bill that provided $7.903 billion for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), including $1.221 billion for the Superfund Program. The bill also restricted the use of funds to delay a new standard for arsenic in drinking water. The conference report was agreed to, 87-7. [HR 2620, Vote 334, 11/8/01] XXXX Voted For Distributing Clean Water State Revolving Funds. In 2001, XXXX voted for an amendment that would distribute grants for Clean Water State Revolving Funds under a formula that would give States funding based on their needs as determined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in its quadrennial survey of States' wastewater treatment needs. The bill was killed, 58-41. [HR 2620, Vote 266, 8/2/01] XXXX Voted for a New Standard for Arsenic Levels in Drinking Water. In 2001, XXXX voted for an amendment that would require the EPA to immediately adopt a new standard for arsenic in drinking water consistent with the Safe Drinking Water Act. The substitute would provide $84.1 billion for the departments of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and related agencies. [HR 2620, Vote 265, 8/1/01] XXXX Supported An Amendment To Cut Funding For The California-Federal Water Project. In 2001, XXXX supported an amendment to provide that $10 million would be provided to fund grant and fellowship programs to enhance training of technically skilled personnel in energy technology industries. It would offset the cost by reducing the appropriation for the California-Federal (CALFED) water project from $40 million to $30 million. The motion to table was agreed to, 56-44. [HR 2311, Vote 238, 7/18/01] XXXX Voted To Permit Flows From A Water Project On The Oregon-California Border. In 2001, XXXX voted for an amendment that would restrict funds to provide any flows from the Klamath Project until the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) fulfilled certain requirements. The Klamath Project is a water management project for an area on the Oregon-California border, and a FWS opinion determined that further water release for irrigation would result in the extinction of two fish species. The motion to table was agreed to, 52-48. [HR 2217, Vote 232, 7/12/01] XXXX Voted For Tax Cuts Instead of Arsenic Standards. In 2001, on a vote of 49-50, XXXX put tax cuts ahead of higher arsenic standards for water safety. XXXX was one of the deciding votes to kill an amendment to enable water systems to comply with higher arsenic standards recommended by the National Academy of Sciences and already adopted by the World Health Organization and European Union. [HR 1836, Vote 148, 5/22/01] XXXX Opposed Congressional Approval for Animas-La Plata Water Projects. In 2000, XXXX opposed an amendment that would grant Congressional approval for specific facilities of the Animas-La Plata project and would require non-tribal water users to pay recreation, fish and wildlife costs. The Campbell amendment would scale back the water project to consist of the facilities needed to divert and impound water in an off-stream reservoir. [Vote 281, 10/25/00] XXXX Voted For Energy and Water Bill; Clinton Called Bill Anti-Environmental. In 2000, XXXX voted for final passage of a bill appropriating $23.6 billion for energy and water projects. The Clinton administration called this legislation “deeply flawed” and anti-environmental, because the bill cut proposals for restoration of Florida's Everglades, the California Bay delta, and salmon populations in the Northwest. The bill also would have blocked the administration from letting the Missouri River return to a seasonal, ebb-and-flow of its water levels. Democrats 119

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