conservation and efficiency and use of alternative fuels in vehicles and $2.3 billion to encourage development of renewable fuels including wind, solar, geothermal and biomass sources. [S 517, Vote 93, 4/25/02] XXXX Supported Alternative Fuel Motor Vehicle Tax Credit. In 2002, XXXX supported alternative fuel motor vehicle tax incentives. Specifically, XXXX supported the new qualified alternative fuel motor vehicle tax credit, the new hybrid motor vehicle tax credit, the new qualified fuel cell motor vehicle tax credit, and the extension of the present law tax credit for electric vehicles. The motion to table was agreed to, 91-8. [S 517, Vote 91, 4/25/02] XXXX Voted for Limiting The Regulatory Powers Of The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. In 2002, XXXX voted for striking the electricity title, except for the provisions to increase consumer protections, to develop enforceable electricity reliability standards, to repeal the Public Utility Holding Company Act (PUHCA), and to substantially repeal the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA). The amendment would strike measures to increase the regulatory power of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The amendment was rejected, 32-67. [S 517, Vote 62, 4/10/02] XXXX Voted To Exempt Metal Derivatives From Tighter Regulations. In 2002, XXXX twice voted to exempt metal derivatives from the regulatory requirements, which would subject energy derivatives and metal derivatives sold electronically to greater regulation (including capitalization requirements for online exchanges and increased reporting requirements) by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) than they were subject to before. The motion to table failed, 40-59. The cloture motion was rejected, 48-50. [S 517, Vote 60, 4/9/02; S 517, Vote 61, 4/10/02] XXXX Did Not Vote On Bill To Restrict Any Gas Pipeline Through Canada Or The Beaufort Sea. In 2002, XXXX did not vote on bill to prohibit the issuance of any license, permit, lease, right-of-way, authorization or other approval required under Federal law for the construction of any natural gas pipeline to transport natural gas from North Slope, Alaska, if that proposed pipeline is to enter Canada at any point north of 68 degrees North latitude or is to follow a route that traverses the Beaufort Sea or adjacent shoreline. The amendment would not preclude or affect any future gas pipeline that might be constructed to deliver natural gas to any site within Alaska, whether for domestic use or export. The amendment was agreed to, 93-5. [S 517, Vote 41, 3/6/02] XXXX Voted For An Amendment To Increase Funding For The Environmental Quality Incentives Program. XXXX voted for an amendment that would expand on the reforms that were begun in the last farm bill and increase funding for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). Overall, the amendment would spend the same amount over the baseline over 10 years as the original measure. The bill was defeated, 55-40. [S 1731, Vote 374, 12/18/01] XXXX Voted Against Environmental Programs. In April 2001, XXXX voted against an amendment that would increase funding for a wide variety of environmental programs by $50 billion, and set aside $50 billion for debt reduction. The increases would be offset by reductions in the tax cut. The amendment would cap discretionary spending at $660.7 billion in fiscal 2002 and includes an $845.7 billion contingency fund -- including the Medicare trust fund surplus -- that could be used for debt reduction, tax cuts or unforeseen spending. It also calls for $1.6 trillion in tax cuts over fiscal years 2002-2011 and $60 billion in tax cuts in fiscal 2001. [H Con Res 83, Vote 77, 4/5/01] XXXX Voted To Limit Authority of Secretaries of Agriculture and Interior. In 1999, XXXX voted against the Robb amendment to H.R.2466, which was an amendment to strike language in the bill that would give discretion to the secretaries of Agriculture and Interior as to whether new information concerning wildlife should be collected before revising resource management plans for national forests and Bureau of Land Management properties. This was an amendment to allow these secretaries to ignore regulations and land management plans and allow logging, mining, and road building in national forests without considering the impact of these activities on wildlife. [Vote 266, 9/9/99] 129

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