citizens with $44,000 or more in income to 85 percent (it was at 50 percent). The amendment was agreed to, 58-41. [Vote 188, 7/13/00] XXXX Voted for A GOP Amendment To Add A Medicare/Social Security Lockbox. In 2000, XXXX voted for an amendment that would add a Medicare/Social Security lockbox (budgetary protection) to protect Social Security and Medicare Part A trust fund surpluses from being spent on non-Social Security or non- Medicare purposes. The measure would take the surpluses “off-budget,” excluding them from all budget calculations. The amendment was agreed to, 54-43. [Vote 163, 6/29/00] XXXX Voted Against A Democratic Amendment To Create A Medicare/Social Security Lockbox. In 2000, XXXX voted against an amendment that would add Medicare/Social Security "lockbox" (budgetary mechanism) protections intended to prevent Social Security surpluses and Medicare Part A trust fund surpluses from being spent on non- Social Security or non-Medicare purposes. The amendment was agreed to, 60-37. [Vote 162, 6/29/00] XXXX Voted Not to Clarify That Social Security Benefits Would Be Based On Age Limits. In 2000, XXXX voted to kill an amendment that would make changes in the bill and in the Social Security Act in order to clarify that eligibility for either reduced or full Social Security retirement benefits would be based on the applicable age limits rather than on retirement status. The motion to table was agreed to, 55-44. [Vote 41, 3/21/00] XXXX Voted for $792 Billion Tax Cut. In 1999, XXXX voted against a motion to waive the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to allow consideration of the Robb amendment to S.1429, which was an amendment to prohibit the $792 billion in tax cuts in the bill over ten years from taking effect until legislation has been enacted to extend the solvency of Social Security through 2075 and Medicare through 2027. [Vote 229, 7/29/99] XXXX Voted Against Future Solvency of Social Security and Medicare. In 1999, XXXX voted against efforts to protect the future solvency of both Social Security and Medicare. [Vote 228, 7/29/99] XXXX Voted For Tax Cuts Instead of Paying Down the Debt. In 1999, XXXX voted for a motion to waive the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to permit consideration of the Abraham amendment to S.1429, which was an amendment to create Social Security lockbox. [Vote 227, 7/29/99] XXXX Voted to Cut Taxes Instead of Pay Down Debt. In 1999, XXXX voted to kill the Voinovich amendment to S.Con.Res.20, which was an amendment to strike the resolution’s proposed $320 billion in tax cuts over ten years and redirect the funds to debt reduction. [Vote 71, 3/25/99] XXXX Voted Against Protecting Social Security and Medicare. In 1999, XXXX voted against a motion to waive the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to allow consideration of the Conrad amendment to S.Con.Res.20, which was an amendment to reserve 40 percent of the non-Social Security budget surplus to ensure the solvency of Medicare through 2020. This amendment would also establish a Senate point of order against spending money reserved for Social Security or Medicare. [Vote 61, 3/24/99] XXXX Voted Against Efforts to Protect Social Security. In 1999, XXXX voted against a motion to waive the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to allow consideration of the Lautenberg amendment to S.Con.Res.20, which was an amendment to establish a Senate point of order against any measure that would increase spending or reduce taxes without offsets, until Congress enacts legislation to ensure the long-term solvency of Social Security and extend the solvency of Medicare by at least 12 years. [Vote 59, 3/24/99] XXXX Voted Against Balancing Budget Without Raiding Social Security Trust Fund. In 1998, XXXX Voted against balancing the budget without raiding the Social Security Trust Fund. [Vote 222, 7/22/98] XXXX Voted Against Requiring A 3/5 Majority Vote Senate for Any Bill Pertaining to Social Security. In 1998, XXXX voted against requiring a 3/5 majority vote in the Senate for any bill pertaining to Social Security. [Vote 58, 4/1/98] 251
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