including Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestine Islamic Jihad. The vote was on a motion to table the Graham amendment to the joint that would authorize the use of force against Iraq. [S J Res 45, Vote 231, 10/9/02; Associated Press, 10/9/02] XXXX Voted to Prohibit The Importation Of Oil From Iraq. In 2002, XXXX voted to prohibit the importation of oil from Iraq until the President certified either that the importation of such oil was not inconsistent with the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States or that Iraq, or relevant United Nations resolutions. The amendment was agreed to, 88-10. [S 517, Vote 72, 4/18/02] WITHDRAWAL XXXX Voted Against Funding for Iraq, Afghanistan with Non-Binding Withdrawal Language. In May 2008, XXXX voted against a supplemental appropriations bill that included $165 billion for emergency war spending for Iraq and Afghanistan. The amendment also included Iraq policy provisions from its war funding language, including a non-binding provision calling for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq by June 2009. The motion failed 34-63. [CQ Today, 5/22/08; Vote 138, 5/22/08] XXXX Rejected Non-Binding Attempt to Change Course With a Goal of Withdrawing Most U.S. Troops By the End of 2008. In December 2007, XXXX rejected Sen. Carl Levin’s nonbinding measure “that simply urged the president to begin limiting the mission of U.S. troops in Iraq to protecting American personnel, training Iraqis and conducting counterterrorism operations. The proposal, which closely resembled a compromise proposal that had been pushed all year by Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), set a goal of completing the transition by the end of 2008.” [Vote 438, 12/18/07; Los Angeles Times, 12/19/07] XXXX Voted Against Requiring U.S. Troop Withdrawal in By September 2008. In December 2007, XXXX rejected Sen. Russ Feingold’s attempt to require the withdrawal of U.S. troops within nine months, cutting off war funding after that point. The amendment failed by a vote of 24-71. [Vote 437, 12/18/07; Los Angeles Times, 12/19/07] XXXX Again Voted Against Plan to Withdraw US Troops by December 2008. In November 2007, XXXX voted against a $50 billion war funding package that would require troop withdrawals from Iraq beginning within 30 days, with a goal of withdrawal by December 15, 2008. Democrats fell seven votes short on the motion, which required 60 votes to pass. [Vote 411, 11/16/07; New York Times, 11/15/07] XXXX Voted for Blank Check for the War. In November 2007, XXXX voted to provide $70 billion for the war in Iraq “with no strings attached” and no accountability. [Vote 410, 11/16/07; CQ Today, 11/15/07] XXXX Rejected Bid to Cut Off Funding Unless Timetable Was Met. In October 2007, XXXX voted for the third time in a year against the Feingold Amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2008. The amendment, which would have safely redeployed United States troops from Iraq, failed in the Senate by a vote of 28-68. [Vote 362; 10/3/07] XXXX Again Voted Against Plan to Withdraw Most U.S. Troops By 2008. In September 2007, XXXX once again voted to kill the Levin-Reed proposal to withdraw most U.S. troops from Iraq. Sen. Levin argued, “We're going to continue to lose lives and squander resources while they [the Iraqis] dawdle.” The proposal, which was similar to one offered in July, failed 47-47. [Vote 346, 9/21/07; CNN, 9/21/07; AP, 9/21/07] XXXX Voted Against Bringing Troops Home and Cutting Off Most War Funding in 2008. In September 2007, XXXX joined Republican opposition to Sen. Feingold’s proposal “that would have immediately changed the mission of American troops, required the withdrawal of all combat forces by the end of June 2008 and then cut off financing for military operations in Iraq.” The amendment, that failed 28-70, was similar to one rejected by a similar margin in May. [Vote 345, 9/20/07; New York Times, 9/21/07] 139

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