TRADE HIGHLIGHTS οƒ˜ THE XXXX RECORD TRADE AGREEMENTS XXXX Twice Voted for CAFTA. In June 2005, XXXX voted twice in favor of the Central American Free Trade Agreement between the U.S. and Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. [Vote 169, 6/29/05; Vote 170, 6/30/05] XXXX Voted to Reduce Trade Barriers Between Morocco and The United States. In 2004, XXXX voted for a bill that implemented a trade agreement that reduced tariffs and trade barriers between the United States and Morocco. It made more than 95 percent of bilateral trade in consumer and industrial products duty free, with all remaining tariffs eliminated within nine years from enactment. It also provided for new tariff-rate quotas for U.S. farmers and ranchers of poultry and beef and reduced tariffs on agricultural products such as sorghum, soybeans, corn, and soybean products. [Vote 159; 7/21/04] XXXX Voted For A Trade Pact With Singapore. In 2003, Robrets voted for the passage of a bill that implemented a trade agreement that reduced tariffs and trade barriers between the United States and Singapore. The agreement eliminated tariffs on goods and duties on textiles, opened markets for services, and established intellectual property, environmental and labor standards. [Vote 318, 7/31/03] ο‚· Singapore Deal Allowed More Foreign Labor Into the United States. β€œIn addition to knocking down barriers on goods and services, and strengthening intellectual property protections, the pacts would allow 5,400 workers from Singapore and 1,400 from Chile to enter the United States each year under a new visa program. The visas could be renewed indefinitely. The provisions were included at the urging of Chile and Singapore. Several senators complained the provisions amounted to an unconstitutional power grab by the administration since fast-track authority, which gives Congress only an up-or-down vote on trade agreements, was not intended to be a venue for changing immigration policy. They also said letting additional workers into the United States is hard to justify with unemployment remaining stubbornly high.” [CQ Weekly, 08/02/03] XXXX Voted For A Trade Pact With Chile. In 2003, XXXX voted for the passage of a bill that implemented a trade agreement that reduced tariffs and trade barriers between the United States and Chile. The trade pact reduced duties and tariffs on agricultural and textile products and opened markets for services. It also established intellectual property safeguards and require enforcement of environmental and labor standards. [Vote 319, 7/31/03] XXXX Voted Against Limiting Privatization Of Public Services in TPA. In 2002, XXXX voted against an amendment that would add to the principal negotiating objective on trade in services that trade agreements should not include commitments to privatize significant public services including services related to national security, social security, public health and safety, and education. [HR 3009, Vote 127, 5/23/02] XXXX Voted Against Enabling Lawmakers To Weigh In More Forcefully In Trade Negotiations By Participating In A Congressional Oversight Group. In 2002, XXXX voted against enabling lawmakers to weigh in more forcefully in trade negotiations by participating in the Congressional Oversight Group that would monitor U.S. trade negotiations. The amendment XXXX opposed would allow senators not on the Finance Committee, 286

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