by Congress and not requested by the administration. The motion to invoke cloture passed 61-32. [CQ Today, 9/17/08; Vote 200, 9/17/08] XXXX Voted for Defense Authorization Bill; Military Pay Raise. XXXX voted for the defense authorization bill that provided $317.5 billion for the Defense Department, $19 billion more than fiscal 2001. The bill includes $881 million for a new counter-terrorism program and a 4.6 percent military pay raise. HR 3338 was adopted on a 94-2 vote. [HR 3338, Vote 380, 12/20/01] XXXX Voted For A 3.7% Pay Raise In The FY 2001 Department Of Defense Appropriations Bill. In 2000, XXXX voted for final passage of the Department of Defense Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2001 (H.R. 4576). The bill would provide $287.63 billion in new budget authority for the military functions of the Department of Defense, which was $3.11 billion more than requested, and $19.878 billion more than enacted in the previous year's defense appropriations bill. The bill also included a 3.7% percent pay raise for military personnel. The bill passed, 95-3. [Vote 127, 6/13/00] MILITARY HEALTH AND BENEFITS XXXX Voted For Expanding TRICARE Coverage To Include Treatment For Autism. In November 2012, XXXX voted for Gillibrand, D-N.Y., amendment no. 3058 that would expand coverage of the military health insurance program TRICARE to include behavioral health treatment for autism spectrum disorders when prescribed by a doctor. The measure was adopted by a vote of 66-29 (D 48-1; R 16-28; I 2-0). [Vote 211, 11/29/12] XXXX Voted For New GI Bill. In June 2006, XXXX voted for war supplemental spending bill that would provide $165.4 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and $21 billion for domestic spending, including a major expansion of veterans' education benefits, a 13-week extension of unemployment and Midwestern flood aid. The bill passed 92-6. [CongressNow, 6/26/08; Vote 162, 6/26/08]  XXXX Voted To Advance Supplemental Domestic Spending, New GI Bill. In May 2008, XXXX voted to advance supplemental appropriations bill that contained domestic spending, including an extension of unemployment benefits, the delay of seven Medicaid rules proposed by the Bush administration and an expanded veterans benefit program, a proposal by Jim Webb, D-Va., that had broad bipartisan backing. The Senate concurred with the domestic funding amendment by a vote of 75-22. [CQ Today, 5/22/08; Vote 137, 5/22/08] XXXX Voted Against $10 Million for Readjustment Counseling for Returning Soldiers. In 2005, XXXX voted against providing an additional $10 million for the Readjustment Counseling Service to ensure soldiers returning from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan can receive treatments. [Vote 242, 9/22/05; Tulsa World, 9/25/05] Note: The funding would have been offset by a $10 million cut from the HealthVet technology budget. XXXX Voted Against $610 Million Funding Hike for Troop Health Care. In 2005, XXXX voted against increasing funding for the health care needs of U.S. service members deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan by $610 million. The same amendment XXXX opposed would have increased funding for veterans’ health care, and it was strongly supported by the Disabled Veterans of America, who said the funding was “urgently needed to stem the flow of red ink that threatens health care for today’s veterans and thousands of men and women injured and disabled during the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.” [Vote 89, 4/12/05; Disabled Veterans of America Release, 4/14/05] XXXX Voted to Create a Reserve Fund for US Soldiers. In March 2005, XXXX voted for an amendment that would add language in the resolution to create a deficit-neutral reserve fund if legislation is passed that would provide a 50 percent tax credit for employers who continue to pay the salaries of National Guard and Reserve members called to active duty. [S Con Res 18, Vote 62, 3/17/05] XXXX Voted For Increasing the Military Death Benefit. In August 2005, XXXX opposed efforts to table the Kerry Amendment that would increase the military death benefit from $12,420 to $100,000 for all military 307

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