that the money would go toward add-on armor kits for existing Humvees and new armored trucks for troop and cargo transport. [Vote 248, 10/5/05; Defense Daily, 10/5/05] XXXX Voted Against $213 Million for Armored Humvees. In 2005, XXXX voted against providing an additional $213 million for procurement of Army Humvees. [Vote 108, 4/21/05; CQ Today, 4/21/05] XXXX Opposed Funding $322 Million For Protective Gear For Troops. In October 2003, XXXX voted against a proposal to take $322 million from Iraqi prison building and witness protection funds and use it for vests and other protective gear for troops. [Vote 376, 10/2/03; CQ Today, 10/2/03] HEALTH CARE XXXX Voted Against $610 Million Funding Hike for Troop Health Care. In 2005, XXXX voted against increasing funding for the health care needs of U.S. service members deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan by $610 million. The same amendment XXXX opposed would have increased funding for veterans’ health care, and it was strongly supported by the Disabled Veterans of America, who said the funding was “urgently needed to stem the flow of red ink that threatens health care for today’s veterans and thousands of men and women injured and disabled during the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.” [Vote 89, 4/12/05; Disabled Veterans of America Release, 4/14/05] XXXX Voted Against $10 Million for Readjustment Counseling for Returning Soldiers. In 2005, XXXX voted against providing an additional $10 million for the Readjustment Counseling Service to ensure soldiers returning from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan can receive treatments. [Vote 242, 9/22/05; Tulsa World, 9/25/05] Note: The funding would have been offset by a $10 million cut from the HealthVet technology budget. MILITARY COMMANDERS XXXX Gave Bush Free Reign in Appointing CPA Administrator. In October 2003, XXXX voted against a proposal to require the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority to be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. The amendment, which was rejected 44-53, would have barred the CPA in Iraq from spending money without Senate confirmation of its top administrator. [Vote 414, 10/28/03; CQ Today, 10/28/03] XXXX Killed Proposal to Put CPA Under State Department Control. In October 2003, XXXX voted to kill a proposal that would have transferred authority of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq from the Defense Department to the State Department. Supporters of the transfer argued that the Pentagon “is better suited for military planning, while the State Department is trained to work at nation building.” [Vote 374, 10/2/03; States News Service, 10/3/03] XXXX Voted Against A Measure to Transfer Control of Postwar Iraq from the Defense Department to the State Department. On October 2, 2003, XXXX voted for a motion to kill the Leahy, D-VT, amendment that would remove the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq from Defense Department control and place it under the jurisdiction of the State Department. The motion to table the amendment was agreed to 56-42. [S 1689, Vote 374, 10/2/03] AMNESTY XXXX Supported Weak Alternative to Resolution Opposing Amnesty for Iraqi Insurgents. In June 2006, the Iraqi government reportedly proposed amnesty for insurgents who attacked U.S. troops only to backtrack once the story broke in the U.S. Trying to blunt a resolution opposing any such amnesty plan, XXXX supported a measure that recognized Iraq as a sovereign nation and praised the Iraqi government for saying it had no plan for an amnesty of those who had attacked Americans. [Vote 177, 6/20/06; San Francisco Chronicle, 6/21/06; Washington Times, 6/21/06] 150

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