price supports, related programs, and conservation. The amendment would utilize $63.5 billion from the on-budget surpluses and would not reduce the President's proposed 10-year, $1.6 trillion tax relief package. The amendment was agreed to, 51-49. [Vote 67, 4/4/01] XXXX Voted Against Reducing Tax Cuts And Increasing Agricultural Spending. In 2001, XXXX voted against denying $88 billion of the $1.6 trillion in tax cuts and would instead spend it on the Natural Resources and Environment function and the Agriculture function, with the stated hope that it would be spent on emergency assistance for agricultural commodities producers in FY 2001 and on farm and conservation programs during FYs 2002- 2011. The amendment was rejected, 47-53. [Vote 68, 4/4/01] XXXX Voted For A Budget Resolution That Included A $66.15 Billion Agriculture Reserve Fund. In 2001, XXXX voted for the conference report to the House Concurrent Budget Resolution for fiscal years 2002-2011 (H.Con. Res. 83). The bill included $66.15 billion agriculture reserve fund ($63 billion for agriculture programs and $3.15 billion for conservation programs). The conference report was agreed to, 53-47. [Vote 98, 5/10/01] XXXX Voted to Stall the Senate’s Farm Aid Legislation. On a vote of 49-48, the Senate rejected a measure to bring the Senate’s Agriculture bill to the floor for a vote. XXXX chose the party line over a bill to provide $7.4 billion in farm aid to America’s farmers who were hurt by low prices in 2001. Senator Harkin’s (D-IA) agriculture committee passed the $7.4 billion supplemental bill to aid farmers and to provide money for conservation programs. When the bill went to the floor, Republicans used stalling tactics to run the clock out before the Senate’s summer recess. [Vote 273, 8/3/01] XXXX Voted In Support of 2001 Farm Bill. In 2001, XXXX voted to support the 2001 Farm Bill. The Farm Bill XXXX supported would amend and extend for 5 years farm income support, land conservation, credit assistance, food assistance, trade promotion, marketing assistance, and rural development programs. Mandatory spending, primarily on farm income support programs, would be substantially increased, and several new mandatory- spending programs would be created. Democrats said the bill would cost $170 billion over 10 years. The vote was on a cloture motion to close debate on the motion to proceed to the Agriculture, Conservation, and Rural Enhancement Act of 2001. [Vote 352, 12/5/01; National Journal’s Congress Daily, 12/5/01] XXXX Voted Against Harkin’s Substitute 2001 Farm Bill. XXXX voted against the Farm Bill which would have renewed federal farm programs set to expire in October 2002. [Vote 377, 12/23/01] XXXX Voted To Phase Out The Sugar Program. In 2001, XXXX voted in support of phasing out the sugar program and would spend any savings that occurred on the Food Stamp Program. The motion to table was agreed to, 71-29. [Vote 364, 12/12/01] XXXX Opposed Creating A $30 Billion Reserve Fund for Farmers. In March 1999, XXXX voted to table an amendment to the Concurrent Budget Resolution for Fiscal Years 2000-2009 by Sen. Dorgan that would strike the bills $6 billion reserve fund for farmers and replace it with a $30 billion reserve fund for farmers. The motion to table was agreed to 53-45. [Vote 75, 3/25/99] XXXX Voted Against Assistance to Tobacco Farmers. In April 1998, XXXX voted against an amendment to the Senate Concurrent Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 1999-2003 by Sen. Robb that would have amended the section creating a tobacco reserve fund in order to allow the Federal receipts that may come from new tobacco taxes be used to provide transition assistance to tobacco farmers as well as to strengthen the Medicare Hospital Trust Fund. Motion Rejected 31-67. [Vote 83, 4/2/98] XXXX Voted Against Eliminating Support for Tobacco Farmers. In 1997, XXXX voted against eliminating federal support for crop insurance for tobacco farmers. The motion to table was agreed to 53-47. [Vote 196, 7/23/97] MISCELLANEOUS 15

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