against the private financing of food and medicine sales to the government of Cuba would be permitted to go into effect. [S 1731, Vote 375, 12/18/01; National Journal’s Congress Daily, 12/19/01] XXXX Voted Against the Creation of a Commission to Evaluate Achievements of US Cuba Policy. In 2000, XXXX voted against creating a bipartisan commission to assess the specific achievements of United States policy with respect to Cuba. It would also reexamine the United States' economic and travel embargo of Cuba. Those voting in favor of the commission hoped it would lead to a reform, or generally more open relations, of American Cuba policy. The vote was on tabling the Dodd amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2001. The motion to table was agreed to 59-41.[Vote 137, 6/20/00] XXXX Voted Against Allowing Regulation of Travel Between U.S. and Cuba. In 1999, XXXX voted against killing the Dodd amendment to S.1234, which was an amendment to bar the president from regulating or prohibiting travel by U.S. citizens or legal residents to or from Cuba. The motion to table was agreed to 55-43. [Vote 189, 6/30/99] XXXX Voted to Allow Cuban-Americans to Send $200 to Cuba Each Month. In 1997, XXXX voted in favor of the Bingaman amendment to S.955, which was an amendment to allow Cuban-Americans to send up to $200 each month to family members living in Cuba, and limit travel to the island, among other provisions. The amendment was rejected 38-61. [Vote 183, 7/17/97] EGYPT XXXX Voted Not To Cut All Foreign Aid To Egypt. In July 2013, XXXX voted for a motion to table (kill) the Paul, R-Ky., amendment no. 1739 that would establish that the July 3, 2013 military takeover in Egypt was a coup d'etat and prohibit the State Department from providing assistance to Egypt until another democratic election occurs, followed by the peaceful transfer of power. Under the amendment, aid to Egypt would be redirected toward an account created in the bill for bridge repair and construction along critical highway corridors. The motion to kill the measure was agreed by 86-13 (D 51-0; R 33-13; I 2-0). [Vote 195, 7/31/13; Politico, 7/31/13] XXXX Voted To Cut $15 Billion From Foreign Aid And $1 Billion From The Energy Department. In March 2013, XXXX voted in favor of Paul, R-Ky., amendment no. 382 that would adjust the resolution with the intention of allowing for a $16 billion increase in funding for infrastructure projects, offset through intended cuts for foreign assistance and Energy Department programs. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 26-72 (D 0-51; R 26-19; I 0-2). [Vote 82, 3/23/13] XXXX Voted To Prohibit Transfer Of Weapons And Equipment To Egypt. In January 2013, XXXX voted against the Leahy, D-Vt., motion to table (kill) the Paul, R-Ky., amendment no. 9 that would prohibit the transfer of F-16 fighter jets, M1 tanks and similar military weapons to Egypt. The motion was agreed to by a vote of 79-19 (D 51-0; R 26-19; I 2-0). [Vote 9, 1/31/13] XXXX Voted To Reduce Foreign Aid To Egypt And Direct Funding To Missile Defense Instead. In March 2013, XXXX voted in favor of Cruz, R-Texas, amendment no. 471 that would create a deficit-neutral reserve fund to allow for legislation to reduce foreign assistance to Egypt and increase funding for the Missile Defense Agency to establish a land-based missile defense capability on the East Coast. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 25- 74 (D 0-52; R 25-20; I 0-2). [Vote 85, 3/23/13] NORTH KOREA XXXX Voted Against Ending Food Assistance To North Korea Unless President Certified It Was Of National Interest To Do So. In June 2012, XXXX voted against Kerry, D-Mass., amendment no. 2454 that would prohibit federal food assistance to North Korea, subject to a waiver if the president certified that providing the aid was in the national interest. The amendment was adopted by a vote of 5-40. [Vote 144, 6/20/12] 131

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