XXXX Rejected Establishing Trust Fund to Implement 9/11 Commission Recommendations. In September 2006, XXXX voted to kill a proposal that would have created a homeland security trust fund to implement all 41 recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. It would have been offset by eliminating certain tax breaks for millionaires. [Vote 244, 9/13/06; National Journal’s CongressDaily, 9/13/06] XXXX Voted to Create the 9/11 Commission. In September 2002, XXXX voted for an amendment that would establish the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States to investigate the facts and circumstances relating to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The commission would be required to report its initial findings and recommendations to the president and to Congress within six months of its first meeting, followed by a second report within one year. The underlying substitute amendment would create a cabinet-level Homeland Security Department charged with protecting domestic security. [HR 5005, Vote 223, 9/24/02] OTHER 9/11 XXXX Voted to Block Funding for Civilian Trials of Sept. 11 Terrorist Attack Conspirators. In November 2009, XXXX voted to block funding for U.S. civilian trials for the alleged conspirators of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The Senate voted 54-45 to table, or kill, an amendment by Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., to the Commerce- Justice-Science Appropriations bill that would bar the use of Justice Department funds under the bill to prosecute in a regular federal court anyone linked to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The amendment attracted a bipartisan group of cosponsors, including Jim Webb, D-Va.; Joseph I. Lieberman, I-Conn.; and John McCain, R-Ariz. But some who opposed the amendment argued it’s a ploy to further hold detainees at the detention facility at Guantánamo. [CQ Today, 11/05/09; Vote 338, 11/05/09] XXXX Voted Against a Declassification of Information on the Background of the 9/11 Hijackers. In October 2003, XXXX voted against an amendment to “put the Senate on record in favor of declassifying a 28- page chapter of Congress’ July report on the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. That portion of the report, which discusses foreign support for terrorism, is said to contain allegations about ties between Saudi Arabia and al Qaida. Many Democrats have called for the chapter’s declassification, but Republican lawmakers, backed by the White House, have blocked efforts to make the findings public. Bob Graham, D-Fla., a cosponsor of the amendment and former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said, ‘Ignorance and secrecy serve no national purpose.’ But Intelligence Chairman Pat XXXX, R-Kan., warned that making the material public would endanger intelligence sources, methods and ongoing investigations. XXXX said curious senators can read the chapter. ‘If members have a keen interest [in the 28 pages], please come to the committee, and we’ll provide you with the information,’ he said.” [Vote 415, 10/29/03; CQ Today, 10/29/03] XXXX Voted to Kill an Amendment for $7.5 Billion in 9-11 Recovery Funds. In 2001, XXXX voted to kill a plan to provide an additional $7.5 billion in recovery funds to areas hit by Sept. 11th attacks (New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania). [HR 3338, Vote 355, 12/6/01] XXXX Voted to Provide Relief to Airlines. In September 2001, XXXX voted to provide $15 billion in relief for airlines after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The bill also helped the airlines by limiting their liability for damages related to the attacks to how much was covered by their insurance [Vote 284, 9/21/01] McConnell Voted Against Paying Difference in Salaries for Federal Employees Called to Duty in Response to th September 11 Terrorist Attacks. On November 28, 2001, McConnell voted to kill and amendment that would have assured federal employees called to duty would not suffer a pay cut. The amendment would have required the federal government to pay the difference in salary for any federal employee called up to serve in a military reserve unit or the National Guard. [Vote 456, 11/28/01] *wrong hyperlink INTELLIGENCE / WIRETAPPING XXXX Voted To Reauthorize FISA. In December 2012, XXXX voted in favor of passage of the bill that would reauthorize for five years, through 2017, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which governs electronic 205

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