XXXX Voted To Reduce The Marriage Penalty Tax. In 2000, XXXX voted to increase the standard deduction available to married couples filing jointly and eventually raise the 15 percent tax bracket for married couples to double that for singles. The measure, which would also expand the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), would cost an estimated $182 billion over the next 10 years. The cloture motion was rejected, 53-45. [Vote 83, 4/13/00] XXXX Voted for Cloture On A Substitute Amendment To Cut The Marriage Tax Penalty. In 2000, XXXX voted to end debate on an amendment that would reduce the Federal tax penalty imposed on married couples by increasing their standard deduction, expanding the 15-percent and 28-percent tax brackets, expanding the EIC, and exempting family tax credits from the individual Alternative Minimum Tax. The cloture motion was rejected, 53- 45. [Vote 82, 4/13/00] XXXX Voted Against Democratic Targeted Marriage Tax Penalty Relief. In 1998, XXXX voted against Democratic targeted marriage tax penalty relief (would provide $7 billion in tax relief for two-income married couples). [Vote 243, 7/29/98] TAX CREDITS THAT CREATE AMERICAN JOBS XXXX Voted Against Tax Credits For Businesses That Shifted Jobs Overseas Back To The United States. In July 2012, XXXX voted against a motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the Reid, D-Nev., motion to proceed to the bill that would provide a 20 percent business tax credit to cover the cost of shifting overseas jobs back to the United States and eliminate tax credits for expenses related to moving operations abroad. The motion was rejected by a vote of 56-42 (D 50-0; R 4-42; I 2-0). [Vote 181, 7/19/12] XXXX Voted Against A Bill To Provide Incentives To Businesses Hiring American Workers For Jobs Performed Overseas. In September 2010, XXXX voted for a motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the motion to proceed to the bill that would provide U.S. companies a two-year reduction in their share of Social Security payroll taxes for new employees hired to replace workers performing similar duties overseas. It would be offset by repealing various tax breaks for companies that close plants in the United States and move operations overseas. [Vote 242, 9/28/10] XXXX Voted Against $26.1 Billion In Medicaid And Education Funding For States That Was Paid For By Closing Foreign Tax Loopholes. In August 2010, XXXX voted against a Reid, D-Nev., motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment with a further Murray, D-Wash., substitute amendment no. 4575 that would provide $16.1 billion to extend increased Medicaid assistance to states and $10 billion in education funding for states. The cost of the programs would be offset by changing foreign tax provisions, ending increased food stamp benefits beginning in April 2014 and rescinding previously enacted spending. [Vote 228, 8/5/10]  XXXX Voted Against $26.1 Billion In Medicaid And Education Funding For States. In August 2010, XXXX voted against a Murray, D-Wash., motion to waive the Budget Act and budget resolutions with respect to the Gregg, R-N.H., point of order against the Reid, D-Nev., motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment with a further Murray substitute amendment no. 4575 that would provide $16.1 billion to extend increased Medicaid assistance to states and $10 billion in education funding for states. [Vote 225, 8/4/10]  XXXX Voted Against $26.1 Billion In Medicaid and Education Funding For States. In August 2010, XXXX voted against a motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the Reid, D-Nev., motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment with a further Murray, D-Wash., substitute amendment no. 4575 that would provide $16.1 billion to extend increased Medicaid assistance to states and $10 billion in education funding for states. [Vote 224, 8/4/10] XXXX Voted to Keep Tax Incentives for Offshore Companies. In 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment that would repeal tax incentives for domestic companies that move their manufacturing plants to offshore locations and use the resulting revenue to reduce the federal deficit and debt by $3.2 billion from 2006 to 2010. [Vote 63, 3/17/05] 279

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