XXXX Voted to Allow Doctors to Gauge Patients. In 1998, XXXX voted to allow doctors, hospitals and other Medicare providers to charge patients unlimited amounts of money on top of their Medicare reimbursement, allowing doctors to gauge patients. [Vote 53, 4/1/98] HIV / AIDS XXXX Voted For Global HIV/AIDS, TB, and Malaria Program Reauthorization and Funding. In July 2008, XXXX voted for a bill that would authorize $48 billion over five years for programs under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief used to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria overseas. The bill would replace the current requirement that one-third of all HIV prevention funding go to abstinence education with balanced funding for abstinence, fidelity and condom programs. It also would authorize $2 billion for American Indian health programs. The bill passed 80-16. [Vote 182, 7/16/08] XXXX Voted to Cut Global HIV/AIDS Funding Bill by $13 Billion. In July 2008, XXXX voted to cut funding to fight AIDS and other global diseases from $48 billion to $35 billion over five years. The amendment to the Global HIV/AIDS program reauthorization bill was offered by Senator Jim DeMint. Republican Richard G. Lugar, the ranking Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, argued against the amendment, saying its passage would be “a severe blow to the United States leadership and prestige on this issue because it would profoundly affect the calculations of individuals, groups and governments that we are trying to engage in this fight against HIV-AIDS and whose commitments are, many of them, contingent upon our action today.” The amendment was rejected, 31-64. [CQ Today, 7/16/08; Vote 181, 7/16/08] XXXX Voted Against $74 Million Increase in Aids Drug Assistance Funding. In October 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment to the Labor-HHS- Education Appropriations bill that would have provided an additional $74 million for AIDS Drug Assistance Programs. [Vote 278, 10/27/05] XXXX Voted Against Shifting $879.7 Million from Iraq Reconstruction to Combat Global HIV/AIDS. In 2003, XXXX voted to kill an amendment that would have shifted $879.7 million from Iraq reconstruction to combat global HIV/AIDS. The amendment would have provided an additional $879.7 million for the prevention, treatment, and research of HIV/AIDS, offset by reducing the amount appropriated for Iraq reconstruction except for funds intended for training Iraqi security forces. [Vote 394, 10/17/03; CQ Daily Monitor, 10/17/03] XXXX Voted to Divert HIV/AIDS Relief Funds into Abstinence Programs. In October 2003, XXXX voted against an amendment that would have clarified the definition of HIV/AIDS prevention to mean only those programs and activities that are directed at preventing the sexual transmission of HIV/AIDS, and activities that include a priority emphasis on the public health benefits of abstinence. It would have stipulated that the requirement in the Global AIDS authorization bill that one-third of all prevention funding must be dedicated to “abstinence until marriage programs” and applies only to the funds for the prevention of the sexual transmission of HIV rather than all AID prevention funds. [Vote 430, 10/30/03] XXXX Voted Against $589.7 Million in Funding For HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Prevention. In October 2003, XXXX voted against an amendment that provided an additional $589.7 million for the Global AIDS Initiative, to remain available until Sept. 30, 2006, for programs for the prevention, treatment and research of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. [Vote 431, 10/30/03] XXXX Voted Against Moving $200 Million into the Global AIDS Initiative. In October 2003, XXXX voted against an amendment that provided an additional $200 million for the Global AIDS Initiative and reduced the Millennium Challenge Account by $200 million. [Vote 432, 10/30/03] XXXX Voted for HIV/AIDS Research Funding. In October 2003, XXXX voted for an amendment that would provide an additional $289 million available until Sept. 30, 2006, for the prevention, treatment, and research on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. [HR 2800, Vote 429, 10/30/03] 183

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