firearms in their checked luggage by March. The amendment was adopted 68-30. [CQ Today, 9/16/09; Vote 279, 9/16/09] XXXX Voted For Reauthorizing Amtrak, Funding for Rail Safety Needs. In October 2008, XXXX voted for the first Amtrak reauthorization bill since 1997. The bill would authorize new funding for Amtrak at $5.3 billion in capital grants, $2.9 billion in operating grants and $1.9 billion for intercity passenger rail over five years. The $13 billion Amtrak authorization was added to a rail safety measure. The final bill would reauthorize and toughen rail safety programs, including directing rail companies to equip cars with sensors to help avoid crashes. The bill would authorize $1.6 billion over five years for the Federal Railroad Administration and other rail safety needs and would direct the Transportation Department to issue rules requiring certain railroads to evaluate and manage safety risks. The Senate passed the bill by voice vote Aug. 1 and voted 69-17 on Sept. 29 to limit debate on the bill. The bill passed 74-24. [CQ Today, 10/01/08; Vote 210, 10/01/08]  XXXX Voted For Reauthorizing Amtrak, Funding for Rail Safety Needs. In September 2008, XXXX voted in favor of limiting debate on the first Amtrak reauthorization bill since 1997. The bill would authorize new funding for Amtrak at $5.3 billion in capital grants, $2.9 billion in operating grants and $1.9 billion for intercity passenger rail over five years. The $13 billion Amtrak authorization was added to a rail safety measure. The final bill would reauthorize and toughen rail safety programs, including directing rail companies to equip cars with sensors to help avoid crashes. The bill would authorize $1.6 billion over five years for the Federal Railroad Administration and other rail safety needs and would direct the Transportation Department to issue rules requiring certain railroads to evaluate and manage safety risks. The motion to invoke cloture passed 69-17. [CQ Today, 10/01/08; Vote 209, 9/29/08] XXXX Voted to Cut Amtrak Funding. In March 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment that authorized $1.04 billion in fiscal 2006 funding for Amtrak, and increased the fiscal 2006 discretionary spending limit by $1.04 billion. The spending would be offset by revenue increases. [Vote 51, 3/16/05] XXXX Voted Against Increasing Funding For Amtrak By $912 Million. On March 21, 2003, XXXX voted against increased funding for Amtrak. The vote was on an amendment to “provide adequate funds for the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak),” by increasing spending on the rail system by $912 million. The funding would be paid for by reducing the Bush tax cut by $900 million for 1 year. [Vote 77, 3/21/03; Newsday, 3/22/03; Congressional Record, S4249] XXXX Voted Against Defending An Amendment To Allow Trust Funds To Be Used For Rail Service Projects. In 2000, XXXX voted against defending the germaneness of an amendment that would permit States to use their Federal surface transportation trust funds for intercity passenger rail service projects. The amendment was found not germane, 46-52. [Vote 130, 6/15/00] WATER INFRASTRUCTURE XXXX Voted For Funding For Water Infrastructure. In May 2013, XXXX voted for passage of a bill that would authorize Army Corps of Engineers projects, including dredging harbors and protecting waterways from storm damage. Under the bill, funding for dredging and other port improvements would increase by $100 million annually for six years. After that, all revenue raised annually through a user fee levied on domestic and imported shipping would be dedicated to the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund. It would create a national levee safety program and establish metrics to measure the effectiveness of grants under the program. As amended, the bill would set a 10-year sunset date on provisions that would expedite the environmental permitting process for water projects. The bill was passed by a vote of 83-14 (D 50-1; R 31-13; I 2-0). [Vote 124, 5/15/13] XXXX Voted Against Requiring American-Made Goods From Being Used For Projects That Receive Federal Loans For Water Infrastructure. In May 2013, XXXX voted against Merkley, D-Ore., amendment no. 866 that would require the use of American iron, steel and manufactured goods for projects that are eligible for loans, user fee revenue or private investments under a financing pilot program created the Water Resources Development Act Reauthorization. Such materials would not be required in certain instances, such as if those 301

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