and Human Services. [Vote 390, 10/23/07; CQ Today, 10/23/07; Los Angeles Times, 2/6/07; Education Week, 2/12/07] XXXX Voted Against LIHEAP Funding. In March 2006, XXXX voted against an amendment to the FY 2007 budget resolution that would have fully funded the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. The amendment would have increased the funding for LIHEAP by $3.3 billion, bringing funding to its initially authorized level. The cost would have been fully offset by closing certain corporate tax loopholes. [Vote 57, 3/16/06] XXXX Voted Against $3.1 Billion For Low Income Energy Assistance. In October 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment that would have provided $3.1 billion in additional funding for the LIHEAP. The amendment’s sponsor, Senator Jack Reed, said that families faced a stark choice, “to heat or to eat.” [Vote 250, 10/5/05; AP, 10/20/05] XXXX Voted Against $300 Million for Low-Income Heating Assistance. In September 2003, XXXX voted against an amendment to provide an additional $300 million in funding for LIHEAP. [Vote 336, 9/10/03; AP, 9/10/03] XXXX Voted for $2 Billion for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program. In 2003, XXXX was one of 88 members of the Senate who voted to approve the release of $300 million in emergency reserve funds for home heating assistance that was under control of the Bush administration. The Bush administration released $200 million in funding and kept $100 million in reserve. [Nashua Telegraph, 1/25/03; Vote 10, 1/21/03] XXXX Voted Against Shifting $150 Million From The Defense Department To Low Income Home Energy Assistance. In 2001, XXXX voted against shifting $150 million from the Defense Department to the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The amendment McConnell voted against would increase LIHEAP funding by $150 million to $450 billion, by rescinding $150 million from funds available to the Defense Department for administrative expenses. The $300 billion appropriated for LIHEAP in fiscal 2001 represented a 21% increase in the $1.4-billion program that helped the poor pay heating and air conditioning costs that soared for many in California and elsewhere. The vote was on a motion to table a Wellstone amendment to the Supplemental Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2001. [S 1077, Vote 224, 7/10/01; Los Angeles Times, 7/11/01] XXXX Did Not Vote for Increased LIHEAP Funding. In 1996, XXXX did not vote for the Fiscal Year 1997 Omnibus Appropriations bill, which included funding for economic and military assistance for Israel, LIHEAP, job training programs, Ryan White AIDS programs, Head Start, NIH, CDC, and the Department of Education, including Pell Grants. [Vote 302, 9/30/96] XXXX Did Not Vote For An Amendment to Reduce LIHEAP Funding. In May 1996, XXXX did not vote for the Kyl amendment to the Fiscal Year 1997 Budget Resolution, which was an amendment to reduce funding for LIHEAP by $633 million over six years and freeze the program at $819 million thereafter. [Vote 129, 5/22/96] XXXX Did Not Vote for Increased LIHEAP Funding. In 1996, XXXX did not vote for the Wellstone amendment to S.Con.Res.57, the Fiscal Year 1997 Budget Resolution, which was an amendment to express the sense of the Senate that funding for LIHEAP in Fiscal Year 1997 should not be less than the actual expenditure in Fiscal Year 1996. This was a sense of the Senate, meaning it was a symbolic vote. [Vote 127, 5/22/96] XXXX Did Not Vote Against Using Emergency Funding for LIHEAP Funding. In 1996, XXXX did not vote against the Wellstone amendment to H.R.3019, which was an amendment to express the sense of the Senate that the president should immediately release emergency funding for funding for LIHEAP for Fiscal Year 1996 and that at least $1 billion in advance appropriations for Fiscal Year 1997 should be retained in conference on the bill for LIHEAP. This was a sense of the Senate, meaning it was a symbolic vote. [Vote 41, 3/16/96] XXXX Did Not Vote Against Restoring $319 Million to LIHEAP. In 1995, XXXX did not vote to kill the Wellstone amendment to H.R.1944, which was an amendment to restore $319 million for LIHEAP, with the $319 116

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