XXXX Voted to Increase National Debt. During debate on the final fiscal year 2006 budget resolution, XXXX voted against a motion to adopt a budget that does not increase the national debt. Explaining tax breaks included in the budget package, Sen. Frank Lautenberg said, “The Democrats want to pay for these tax cuts by ending giveaways to rich special interests. But the Republican side said: No, no, don’t persecute millionaires.” [Vote 20, 2/14/06; Congressional Record, 2/13/06] XXXX Supported Raising the Debt Limit. In March 2004, XXXX voted in support of raising the debt limit. More specifically, he voted against the Lautenberg amendment to the Fiscal Year 2005 Budget Resolution, which was an amendment to strike reconciliation instructions from the resolution for the Finance Committee to report legislation that would increase the statutory debt limit. [Vote 57, 3/11/04] XXXX Voted to Increase the Debt Limit to $8.18 Trillion. In November 2004, XXXX voted to increase the federal debt limit to $8.18 trillion, an $800 billion increase. [Vote 213, 11/17/04] XXXX Voted to Increase Federal Debt Limit to $7.38 Trillion. XXXX voted for the passage of the joint resolution that would increase the federal debt limit to $7.38 trillion, a $984 billion increase. [Vote 202, 5/23/03]  XXXX Voted Against Reducing the Debt Limit By $634 Billion. XXXX voted against an amendment that would reduce the debt limit increase in the bill by $634 billion. [Vote 197, 5/23/03] XXXX Voted to Increase the Debt Ceiling. In June 2002, XXXX voted for a bill that would increase the public debt limit by approximately $450 billion. [S 2578, 6/11/02, Vote 148] XXXX Voted to Cut Taxes Before Reducing Our National Debt. On a narrow vote of 49-50, XXXX voted to continue with a $1.3 trillion tax cut even before we meet U.S. debt reduction targets. Senator Bayh’s (D-IN) amendment would have delayed tax and spending proposals until debt reduction targets were met. [HR 1836, 5/21/01, Vote 118] XXXX Voted For An Amendment To Commit $12.2 Billion To Debt Retirement. In 2000, XXXX voted for an amendment that would commit $12.2 billion of the projected non-Social Security surplus for fiscal year (FY) 2000 to debt retirement. The amendment was agreed to, 95-3. [Vote 131, 6/15/00] XXXX Opposed Amendment Reducing Public Debt. In April 2000, XXXX voted against the Allard amendment which would require the budget surplus be large enough so that public debt will be reduced by $15 billion each year beginning in 2001 and an additional $15 billion each year until the entire debt has been paid. It also would require that beginning in fiscal 2001, actual revenues exceed actual outlays to provide for the reduction of federal debt. The amendment also would require the use of surplus funds in the Federal Old Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund to reduce public debt until Congress enacts Social Security reform legislation. [Vote 56, 4/5/00] XXXX Voted Against Requiring a Three-Fifths Majority to Increase National Debt. In 1997, XXXX voted against requiring a three-fifths majority vote to increase the national debt. [Vote 19, 2/27/97] EARMARKS XXXX Voted Against Openness in the Earmark Process. In 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment that would require that any limitation, directive, or earmark be included in the bill's conference report to give both chambers the opportunity to vote on all provisions. [HR 2361, Vote 160, 6/29/05] XXXX Voted Against Bringing Federal Dollars to Pennsylvania. In 2003, XXXX voted for a McCain amendment that would eliminate $255.7 million of appropriations to individual projects, including funding for the Geisinger Health System in Harrisburg, Pa. The bill also included $98 million for an agricultural research facility in Ames, IA; the U.S. Maritime Administration’s Title XI guaranteed loan program ($50 million for a guaranteed loan 32

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