expenses of elementary and secondary school teachers and would allow an income tax credit of up to $100 for elementary and secondary school teachers who provided classroom materials using their own funds. The amendment was agreed to, 98-0. [Vote 16, 2/29/00] XXXX Voted Against Funding for Teacher Preparation and Recruitment. In 1999, XXXX voted to kill the Kennedy amendment to S.1650, which was an amendment to provide $300 million for teacher preparation and recruitment. [Vote 315, 10/6/99] XXXX Voted Against Requiring Colleges to Establish Policy for Undergraduates Who Want to be High School Teachers to Major in Academic Area in Which They Plan to Teach. XXXX voted against an amendment that would require colleges that receive federal aid to establish, within three years of the bill's enactment, a policy that all undergraduate students preparing to be secondary school teachers complete an academic major in the academic area in which they plan to teach. [Vote 193, 7/9/98] XXXX Voted Against a Measure Expressing Sense of Congress That 100,000 New Teachers Should Be Hired to Reduce Class Size. In 1998, XXXX voted against an amendment to the Parent and Student Savings PLUS Act by Sen. Murray that would have expressed the sense of Congress that, "Congress should support efforts to hire 100,000 new teachers to reduce class sizes in first, second, and third grades to an average of 18 students per class all across America." [Vote 93, 4/22/98] XXXX Opposed Efforts to Recruit and Develop Quality Teachers. In 1998, XXXX opposed a proposal that would encourage more young people to become teachers by forgiving student loans for new graduates who teach in areas with severe teacher shortages or that serve disadvantaged children. [Vote 86, 4/21/98] TESTING XXXX Voted Against Permitting States to Waive Testing Requirements. XXXX, on June 13, 2001, was one of 78 senators who voted against the Hollings amendment to S.1, which was an amendment to allow states to opt out of the mandatory testing in grades three through eight beginning in 2005, if states can demonstrate the presence of a comparable assessment system, or if they determine a greater increase in student achievement can be accomplished through alternative educational investments. [S 1, Vote 183, 6/13/01] XXXX Voted Against Eliminating Testing Requirement If Title I Programs Were Underfunded. In 2001, XXXX voted against eliminating the testing requirement in the event Congress did not fully fund Title I programs that aid students in low-income areas. The vote was on an amendment to the Better Education for Students and Teachers Act of 2001. [S 1, Vote 176, 6/7/01; Congressional Quarterly Daily Monitor, 6/7/01] XXXX Opposed Requiring Federal Government to Pay for New Tests under NCLB. XXXX, on June 7, 2001, voted against the Carnahan amendment to S.1, which was an amendment to require the Federal Government to pay 100 percent of the costs associated with implementing new tests as required in No Child Left Behind. John McCain voted for this amendment, which failed 55 to 43. [S 1, Vote 174, 6/7/01] XXXX Voted Against Giving Governors the Same Authority As State Superintendents In Devising Student Testing Programs. In 2001, XXXX voted against giving Governors the same authority that state school superintendents have in devising student testing programs. The amendment XXXX voted against required a Governor's involvement and approval in State education reform plans and applications that are required as a condition of receiving ESEA funds. The vote was on an amendment the Better Education for Students and Teachers Act of 2001. [S 1, Vote 173, 6/6/01] XXXX Voted Not To Require State School Officials To Consult With Governors In Devising Student Testing Programs. In 2001, XXXX voted against requiring state school officials to consult Governors on testing. The amendment would have required State school officials to consult with Governors in the preparation of plans and applications for ESEA program funding, and it would require the state school officer to consult with Governor before signing any such completed plans and applications. The vote was on an amendment to the Better Education 78
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