XXXX Voted to Require More Interagency Communication On Foreign Students. In 2002, XXXX voted for an amendment that would amend the record-keeping and reporting requirements in this bill for educational institutions that have enrolled students who have entered this country under student visas, requiring closer coordination and communication between the INS, the Departments of State and Education. The amendment was agreed to, 97-0. [HR 3525, Vote 73, 4/18/02] XXXX Opposed Offering Amnesty to Illegal Aliens Who Have Been In America Since 1986. In 2000, XXXX voted not to provide amnesty for illegal aliens who have been in this country since 1986 and equalize treatment of immigrants from Central America and the Caribbean. It would also allow holders of expired visas to apply for legal residency without returning to their home countries. [Vote 257, 9/27/00; Washington Post, 9/28/00] XXXX Opposed Considering a Measure Allowing Disabled Children of Legal Immigrants to Receive Medicaid Benefits. In 1997, XXXX voted against considering an amendment that would have retained eligibility for the 30,000 disabled children of legal immigrants who received Medicaid benefits based on their receipt of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) welfare benefits (the welfare reform bill denied those benefits and other welfare benefits to legal immigrants). [Vote 118, 6/25/97] XXXX Supported Increasing Visas for Skilled Workers. In 2000, XXXX voted in favor of increasing the number of visas for skilled workers by invoking cloture on the American Competitiveness in the Twenty-First Century Act. [Vote 252, 9/19/00] XXXX Supported Increasing Visas For Skilled Workers. In 2000, XXXX voted to increase temporary work (H- 1B) visas for skilled workers. The bill would raise the number of six-year visas for immigrants with high-tech skills from 115,000 to 195,000. [Vote 256, 9/26/00; Herald-Sun, 9/28/00] XXXX Voted In Favor of Increasing Visas For Skilled Workers. In 2000, XXXX voted in favor of increasing temporary work (H-1B) visas for skilled workers. The bill would raise the number of six-year visas for immigrants with high-tech skills from 115,000 to 195,000. [Vote 258, 9/27/00; Herald-Sun, 9/28/00] XXXX Supported Increasing Visas For Skilled Workers. In 2000, XXXX voted in support of increasing for 3 years the number of temporary work (H-1B) visas granted each year for skilled workers. It also made employment- based immigrant visas available on a quarterly basis without regard to per-country limitations if unused visas are available, and provided extensions for H-1B stays for 1 year in cases of permanent residence adjudications lasting 365 days or longer. [Vote 260, 9/28/00] XXXX Voted To Increase Visas for Skilled Workers. In 2000, XXXX voted to increase the number of skilled workers in the United States, particularly in high technology fields, by increasing for 3 years the number of temporary work (H-1B) visas the United States granted each year for such workers and increased high-technology educational assistance for Americans. XXXX voted for Senate passage of a bill that increased H1-B visas from 115,000 in fiscal 2000, to 195,000 annually for fiscal 2001-2003. It also excluded from the cap foreign workers who sign up to work for government or nonprofit research organizations and those who recently obtained a master's degree or higher at a U.S. college or university. [Vote 262, 10/3/00] 222

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