Line Pilots Association labor union said. AP reported that “lawmakers voted against adding the measure to the final bill, 64-31, fearing that it would give US Airways an unfair financial advantage at a time when other companies also are grappling with pension payments in the stagnant economy. The Arlington, Va.-based airline, the nation’s sixth largest, was the first to declare bankruptcy in the travel slump following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.” [Vote 18, 1/22/03; Associated Press, 01/22/03] XXXX Voted Against Efforts to Protect Pension Plans. In 1999, XXXX cast crucial vote against a motion to waive the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to allow consideration of the Harkin amendment to S.1429, which was an amendment to prohibit employers from denying already accrued pension benefits after a company converts to a new pension plan. [Vote 245, 7/30/99] RAILROAD RETIREMENT XXXX Voted To Allow The Federal Railroad Pension System To Invest $15 Billion In Private Securities. In 2001, XXXX voted for a measure to allow the federal railroad pension system to invest about $15 billion in federal dollars in private securities. The bill would permit funds from the railroad retirement system to be invested in private-sector stocks and bonds. It would also increase railroad retirees’ benefits to bring them into line with private- sector pension plans. It would maintain assets at a level sufficient to pay benefits for 4 to 6 years; should assets fall below that floor or rise above that ceiling tax rates would be adjusted automatically. [HR 10, Vote 351, 12/5/01; National Journal's Congress Daily, 12/5/01] XXXX Voted to Against Requiring Railroad Payroll Tax Increases If Revenues Drop. In 2001, XXXX voted against triggering an automatic increase in railroad payroll taxes if the 5-year rolling average of Tier II reserves fell below the level necessary to pay 4 years' worth of benefits. [HR 10, Vote 348, 12/4/01] XXXX Voted Against An Amendment To Make Benefit Increases For Railroad Retirees Contingent On Excess Revenues. In 2001, XXXX voted against an amendment to the Comprehensive Retirement Security and Pension Reform Bill that would add that the payroll tax decreases and benefit increases in this bill could only be made to the extent that revenues in excess of currently projected revenues were realized. [HR 10, Vote 349, 12/4/01] XXXX Voted To Consider $15 Billion In Federal Railroad Pension Investments, In 2001, XXXX voted to consider a measure to allow the federal railroad pension system to invest about $15 billion in federal dollars in private securities, despite the loud complaints of fiscal conservatives about the accounting procedure used to prevent Congress from counting the money as an outlay. [HR 10, Vote 350, 12/5/01; National Journal's Congress Daily, 12/5/01] MISCELLANEOUS XXXX Voted For Older Americans Act To Expand Social Services For The Elderly. In 2000, XXXX voted to pass the Older Americans Act, which reauthorized, improved, and expanded Federal programs that provide social services for elderly Americans. The Act covered programs to help with housing, nutrition, employment, retirement, long-term care, protection from abuse and neglect, and community needs. The bill was designed to ensure flexibility, streamline services, target resources to rural areas, improve nutritional services, support family caregivers, and enhance the performance of senior employment agencies. The vote was to pass the Older Americans Act Amendments of 2000. Approximately $1.5 billion per year is appropriated to fund programs authorized under the Older American Act programs. [Vote 285, 10/26/00] XXXX Voted Against Requiring States And Non-Profits to Pass “Responsibility Tests” Before Receiving Grants For The Elderly. In 2000, XXXX voted against an amendment to require states and nonprofits to pass “responsibility tests” before they could receive federal Older Americans Act social service grants. The sponsor of the amendment claimed the National Council of Senior Citizens had misused funds in the past. The debate took on ideological overtones as GOP lawmakers fought for funding restrictions on the groups, which they believed were aligned too closely with Democrats. The vote was on an amendment to the Older Americans Act Amendments of 253

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