XXXX Supported $49 Million for School and Community Safety Programs. In 2001, XXXX voted to authorize $49 million in new spending for a National Center for School and Youth Safety to respond to school emergencies, operate a student hotline and conduct outreach activities. It also would authorize grants to help communities develop safety programs. The vote was on an amendment to the Better Education for Students and Teachers Act of 2001. [S 1, Vote 102, 5/14/01] XXXX Voted To Filter Obscene Material From School Computers. In 2000, XXXX voted to enact the Children's Internet Protection Act, which would cut off Federal Internet access subsidies to schools that failed to implement filtering or blocking technology on computers with Internet access. Schools would have to implement filtering or blocking technology that prevented children's access to child pornography, other obscene material, and any other material that the school, school board, or other authority determined was inappropriate for minors. The amendment was agreed to, 95-3. [Vote 149, 6/27/00] XXXX Voted to Create A Program To Promote Gun Education And Safety. In 2000, XXXX voted for an amendment that would create a new Federal program to award grants through an application process to various schools: for the development and dissemination of model programs to reduce violence in schools; for the education of students about the dangers associated with guns; and for the distribution of violence- prevention information, including information about safe gun storage, to children and their parents. The amendment was agreed to, 91-7. [Vote 32, 3/2/00] XXXX Voted Against a Call For Measures To Reduce “The Threat Of Gun Violence In Schools.” In 2000, XXXX voted against an amendment that would express the sense of the Senate that "before April 20, 2000, Congress shall make schools safe for learning by implementing policies that will reduce the threat of gun violence in schools." The amendment also included a finding that Congress has "failed to pass reasonable, common-sense gun control measures" following the violence nearly a year ago at Columbine High School.” The amendment was rejected for a second time, 49-49. [Vote 28, 3/2/00] XXXX Voted Against An Amendment That Called For Policies To Reduce Gun Violence In Schools. In 2000, XXXX voted against an amendment that would express the sense of the Senate that "before April 20, 2000, Congress shall make schools safe for learning by implementing policies that will reduce the threat of gun violence in schools." The amendment was rejected, 49-49. [Vote 27, 3/2/00] XXXX Voted to Call for Reauthorization Of The Safe And Drug-Free Schools Program. In 2000, XXXX voted for an amendment that would express the sense of the Senate that the "reauthorization of the Safe and Drug- Free Schools program that Congress soon will be considering should target the elimination of illegal drugs and violence in our schools and should encourage local schools to insist on zero-tolerance policies towards violence and illegal drug use." The amendment was agreed to, 96-1. [Vote 26, 3/2/00] XXXX Voted for Funding “School Choice” For Victims Of Violent Crimes. In 1999, XXXX voted for an amendment that permitted the use of Federal education funds to pay the educational costs of allowing students who had been the victims of rape or other violent assaults on school grounds to transfer to safer schools of their choice, including private or religious schools. The amendment passed, 50-49. [Vote 360, 11/10/99] XXXX Voted to Allow Same Discipline for Special Education Students and Other Students for Brining Weapons to School. In 1999, XXXX voted for an amendment that permits school personnel to suspend or expel children with disabilities from their schools for unlimited periods of time for carrying or possessing gun or other firearm to or at school, without providing any educational services, including behavioral intervention services. [Vote 137, 5/20/99] XXXX Voted Against Supporting a Program to Prevent Youth Violence. In 1999, XXXX voted to kill the Robb amendment to S.254, which was an amendment to authorize funding for a National Resource Center for School Safety and Youth Violence Prevention, a program to combat school violence. This amendment also 82
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