Alexander supported the bill, saying “My preference, if I were the king, I wouldn’t spend this much money on this bill this year. This is a tough time. But I doubt Americans will begrudge spending on national parks, on clean water and on firefighting.” Democrats maintained the increase was justified by cuts for the bill’s programs by the George W. Bush administration and congressional Republicans. The bill also contained continuing resolution that would fund the federal government through Dec. 18. The bill passed 72-28. [CQ Today, 10/29/09; Vote 331, 10/29/09] XXXX Voted to Allow Firearms in National Parks and Wildlife Refuges. In May 2009, XXXX voted for an amendment to a credit card bill that would ban the Interior Department from prohibiting visitors to national parks and wildlife refuges from carrying firearms if they comply with state laws. The amendment offered by Coburn was adopted on a 67-29 vote, including 27 Democrats and one independent. [CQ Today, 5/19/09; Vote 188, 5/19/09] XXXX voted for Designating More than 2 Million Acres of New Wilderness Areas. In March 2009, XXXX voted for an omnibus federal lands bill that combines hundreds of separate measures to designate more than 2 million acres of new wilderness areas and establish protections for other federal lands. “When you take all of these bills together, I believe they represent the most significant conservation legislation passed by the Senate at least in the last 15 years,” said Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee chairman, who worked with members of both parties to assemble the package. The bill passed 77-20. [CQ Today, 3/19/09; Vote 106, 3/19/09]  XXXX Voted Against Designating More than 2 Million Acres of New Wilderness Areas. In January 2009, XXXX voted against an omnibus public lands bill that would designate more than 2 million acres of new wilderness areas, in addition to scenic rivers, historic sites and expansions of national parks. It would authorize new water projects and allow three water settlements in Western states. It also would codify a National Landscape Conservation System that President Bill Clinton established by executive order to improve management of already protected federal land. The bill passed 73-21. [CQ Today, 1/15/09; Vote 3, 1/15/09]  XXXX Voted To Consider the Omnibus Public Lands Bill. In January 2009, XXXX voted for one procedural motions to consider the omnibus public lands bill that would designate more than 2 million acres of new wilderness areas, in addition to scenic rivers, historic sites and expansions of national parks. McConnell voted against the motion to invoke cloture, which passed 86-24 and the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to the bill, which passed 66-12. [Vote 2, 1/14/09; Vote 1, 1/11/09] *XXXX did not vote on Vote 1 procedural motion XXXX Voted Against Protecting National Forests. In 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment that would prohibit the use of funds to plan, design, study or construct new roads in the Tongass National Forest in Alaska for the purpose of harvesting timber by private entities or individuals. [HR 2361, Vote 164, 6/29/05] XXXX Voted Against Old Growth Protection. In 2003, XXXX voted against an amendment that would apply “old growth” protection to all categories of federal lands. [Vote 425, 10/30/03] XXXX Voted to Make Forest Thinning Legislation Permanent. In 2003, XXXX voted against an amendment that would strike the permanent authorization provisions within the Healthy Forests Act and replace them with a five-year authorization. [Vote 427, 10/30/03] XXXX Voted to Thin Forests. In 2003, XXXX voted to authorize $760 million for the treatment of up to 20 million acres of federal land at high risk of catastrophic wildfire. It would limit preliminary court injunctions against logging projects to 60 days, subject to the renewal once the court had reviewed them. It required the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management to fully maintain or contribute to the restoration of old-growth trees and maximize the retention of large trees. It also reduced the number of reviews required by the National Environmental Policy Act. [Vote 428, 10/30/03] XXXX Voted to Make Forest Thinning Legislation Permanent. In 2003, XXXX voted against an amendment that would strike the permanent authorization provisions within the Healthy Forests Act and replace them with a five-year authorization. [HR 1904, Vote 427, 10/30/03] 121

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