XXXX Voted Against Preserving Habeas Corpus. XXXX voted against restoring habeas corpus rights to for military detainees in the War on Terror. [Christian Science Monitor, 10/2/06; Vote 255, 9/28/06] EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND DISASTER RELIEF XXXX Voted Against Disaster Relief For Superstorm Sandy. In January 2013, XXXX voted against passage of the bill that would provide about $50.5 billion for communities hit by Superstorm Sandy. Nearly all funding would be designated as emergency spending exempt from discretionary caps, except for $5.4 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Disaster Relief Fund. The bill would include about $11.5 billion for FEMA's Disaster Relief Fund, $10.9 billion for transit systems, $16 billion for Department of Housing and Urban Development community development programs, $5.4 billion for the Army Corps of Engineers, $708 million for repairs to national parks, wildlife refuges and facilities, $234 million for Veterans Affairs medical activities and construction projects, $274 million for Coast Guard projects and $520 million for Small Business Administration disaster loans. The measure was passed by a vote of 62-36 (D 52-0; R 9-36; I 1-0). [Vote 4, 1/28/13]  XXXX Voted Against Emergency Funding For Communities Hit By Superstorm Sandy. In December 2012, XXXX voted against passage of the bill that would provide $60.4 billion in emergency spending for communities hit by Superstorm Sandy, including an additional $9.7 billion in borrowing authority for the National Flood Insurance Program, $13 billion for mitigation projects, $11.5 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Disaster Relief Fund and $10.8 billion to the Federal Transit Administration to rebuild public transit systems. As amended the bill would provide $17 billion for the Community Development Fund, with $500 million designated for regions that suffered major disasters or for "small, economically distressed areas" with less severe calamities in 2011 and 2012. The bill would allow the transfer of previously appropriated foreign affairs funds to pay for increased security at U.S. embassies and other overseas posts. The measure was passed by a vote of 62-32 (D 49-0; R 18-24; I 2-0). [Vote 250, 12/30/12]  XXXX Voted Against Disaster Relief For Communities Affected By Superstorm Sandy. In December 2012, XXXX voted against a Mikulski, D-Md., motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to the Toomey, R- Pa., point of order against the Reid, D-Nev., substitute amendment no. 3395 that would provide $60.4 billion in emergency spending for communities hit by Superstorm Sandy, including an additional $9.7 billion in borrowing authority of the National Flood Insurance Program, $13 billion for mitigation projects, $11.5 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Disaster Relief Fund and $10.8 billion to the Federal Transit Administration to rebuild public transit systems. The motion was rejected by a vote of 57-34 (D 50-0; R 5-34; I 2-0). [Vote 231, 12/21/12] XXXX Voted Against Removing FEMA From Homeland Security. In July 2006, XXXX voted against a proposal to remove FEMA from the Department of Homeland Security and establish it as an independent, cabinet- level agency. It would require the agency’s head to have significant expertise in the area of emergency preparedness and response. [Vote 193, 7/11/06; Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 7/15/06] XXXX Voted Against $100 Million For Emergency Management Planning Grants. In 2003, XXXX voted against an amendment that would increase spending on emergency management planning grants to state and local governments by $100 million in fiscal 2004. [Vote 293, 7/23/03] MISCELLANEOUS XXXX Voted Against Making The Chairman And Ranking Member Of The Foreign Relations Committee Ex Officio Members Of The Intelligence Committee. In October 2004, XXXX voted against an amendment that would make the chairman and ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee ex officio members of the Intelligence Committee, without voting rights or the ability to help establish a quorum. The underlying amendment would transform the Governmental Affairs Committee into the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, with jurisdiction over much of the Homeland Security Department. It also would create an Intelligence Appropriations Subcommittee, merge the Military Construction and Defense Appropriations subcommittees, 211

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