XXXX Voted to Increase Discretionary Defense Spending. In 2001, XXXX voted to adjust the functional totals to increase discretionary defense spending in fiscal year 2002 by $8.5 billion. The totals in the Domenici substitute amendment would provide an increase of $14.2 billion for defense discretionary spending, as requested by the Bush Administration. The amendment was agreed to, 84-16. [H Con Res 83, Vote 72, 4/4/01] XXXX Voted Against Rolling Back Tax Cuts And Increasing Defense Spending. XXXX voted against the Landrieu amendment (No. 188) to the Domenici substitute amendment (No. 170) to the House Concurrent Budget Resolution for fiscal years 2002-2011 (H.Con. Res. 83). The Landrieu amendment would adjust the functional totals to deny $100 billion of the tax relief that the Domenici amendment would provide (the amendment, as introduced, would have returned $1.6 trillion of the $5.6 trillion in excess taxes that the Federal Government is conservatively expected to collect over the next 10 years) and to increase defense spending by the same amount (about $10 billion more would be provided for each year). The amendment was rejected, 47-52. [H Con Res 83, Vote 71, 4/4/01] XXXX Voted To Kill An Amendment To Divert Defense Spending To Education. In 2000, XXXX voted to kill an amendment that would reduce the procurement title (title III) of the Department of Defense (DoD) Appropriations Bill by $1 billion and would appropriate an additional $922 million for Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which targets disadvantaged students. The motion to table was agreed to, 83-15. [Vote 126, 6/13/00] XXXX Voted To Restrict The Use Of Pesticides By The Defense Department. In 2000, XXXX voted for an amendment that would prohibit any funds from being used for the preventative application of pesticides containing a known or probable carcinogen or a category I or II acute nerve toxin, or a pesticide of the organophosphate, carbamate, or organochlorine class, in any area owned or managed by the Department of Defense (DoD) that might be used by children. The amendment was agreed to, 84-14. [Vote 124, 6/13/00] XXXX Voted to Require Precise Explanations of Defense Dept. Disbursements Over $500,000. In 2000, XXXX voted in favor of requiring the Defense Department to know precisely what it was paying for each time it made a disbursement of $500,000 or more. The vote was on the Grassley amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2001. [Vote 123, 6/9/00] WEAPONS AND DEFENSE SYSTEMS XXXX Supported Use of Funds for Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator. In July 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment that would have prohibited the use of funds for any purpose related to the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator. [HR 2419, Vote 171, 7/1/05] XXXX Voted Against Making Sure the Missile Defense Shield Works. In June 2004, XXXX voted against an amendment that would condition $550.5 million of the Missile Defense Agency's request for ground-based midcourse interceptors on certification by the Operational Test and Evaluation office that the system is effective and suitable for combat. [S 2400, Vote 139, 6/23/04] XXXX Voted to Set Criteria for a Working Missile Defense System. In June 2004, XXXX voted for an amendment that would require that no later than Feb. 1, 2005, the Defense secretary, in consultation with the director of the Operational Test and Evaluation office, establish criteria for operationally realistic testing of field prototypes developed under the ballistic missile defense program. The Defense secretary would be responsible for ensuring no later than Oct. 1, 2005, that a test of the ballistic missile defense system is consistent with the criteria established. The underlying amendment would require the Defense Department to conduct, on an independent basis, operationally realistic testing of the prototypes developed under the ballistic missile defense program. The director of the Operational Test and Evaluation office would be responsible for approving and evaluating the tests. [S 2400, Vote 125, 6/17/04] XXXX Voted to Build a Missile Defense System, whether it Worked or Not. In June 2004, XXXX voted against an amendment that would provide that the ground-based midcourse defense element of the national ballistic missile 318

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