XXXX Voted Against a Needle Exchange Program. In November 2001, XXXX voted against an amendment that would strike language in the bill that prohibits the use of any federal funds in the bill for any needle exchange programs. The amendment would insert language to prohibit the use of federal or local funds for needle exchange programs. [HR 2944, Vote 328, 11/7/01] XXXX Voted For A Measure To Prohibit Funding For Needle Exchange Programs. In 2000, XXXX voted for the District of Columbia Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2001. The conference report banned the use of federal funds for the implementation of the District’s Domestic Partners Act and any needle exchange program for drug addicts. [Vote 289, 10/27/00] XXXX Voted to Prohibit Funds for Needle Exchange Programs. In 1999, XXXX voted for H.R.2587, the Fiscal Year 2000 District of Columbia Appropriations conference report, which included $17 million for a program to allow students from the District of Columbia to pay in-state tuition rates at public colleges and universities not in the District of Columbia, and provisions to prohibit the District of Columbia from spending federal, local or private funds on needle exchange programs, to legalize marijuana or reduce marijuana penalties. [Vote 279, 9/16/99] GAMBLING XXXX Voted to Extend Interstate Gambling Ban. In 1998, XXXX was one of 90 senators who voted for the Kyl amendment to S.2260, which was an amendment to “extend the current federal ban on interstate gambling on sports by telephone or wire to most other forms of gambling, including ‘virtual casinos’ that allow” gambling over the Internet. [Vote 229, 7/23/98; AP Online, 07/23/98] MISCELLANEOUS XXXX Voted to Increase Fines for Indecency Violations on Television and Radio. In June 2004, XXXX voted for an amendment that would provide that television or radio broadcasters could be penalized up to $275,000 per violation or day of violations for airing obscene, indecent or profane programming. It would provide that a broadcaster could be fined no more than $3 million for multiple violations. The underlying amendment includes identical language. [S 2400, Vote 134, 6/22/04] XXXX Voted to Require Anyone Involved in Fetal Tissue Research to Disclose Confidential Information. In 1999, XXXX voted to require any individual involved in fetal tissue research to disclose confidential information to the government, exposing doctors and scientists to anti-choice intimidation, harassment and possibly violence. [Vote 338, 10/21/99] 257

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