projects and $246 million for base realignment and closure programs. XXXX was one of only 10 senators to support the legislation. [HR 4837, Vote 185, 9/20/04] McConnell Voted Against Limiting Base Closures to Overseas Facilities. In May 2004, McConnell voted against an amendment that would require the 2005 base realignment and closure round to apply only to U.S. military installations located overseas, delaying new U.S. domestic base closings until 2007. It also would require the Defense secretary to submit a detailed plan for reducing overseas bases. [S 2400, Vote 98, 5/18/04] McConnell Voted Against Stopping A Proposed Round Of Base Closures. In 2001, McConnell opposed a proposal to stop the proposed round of closures in 2003 under the Base Realignment and Closing Commission (BRAC). Many of those in favor of stopping the Bush endorsed base closures contended the nation shouldn’t mothball bases as it gears up for an extended battle. The vote was on a motion to table the Bunning amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2001. [S 1438, Vote 286, 9/25/01; Associated Press, 9/25/01] VETERANS EMPLOYMENT XXXX Voted Against Veterans Job Training Bill. In September 2012, XXXX voted against Reid, D-Nev., motion to waive all applicable budget laws with respect to the Sessions, R-Ala., point of order against the Murray, D-Wash., substitute amendment no. 2789 that would require states to issue certain licenses for trade jobs such as plumbing or truck driving to veterans without requiring training or apprenticeships if the veterans pass examinations and have at least 10 years of experience in related military occupations. The measure was rejected by a vote of 58-40 (D 51-0; R 5-40; I 2-0). [Vote 193, 9/19/12] EQUIPMENT XXXX Voted Against Stripping Funding for New F-22s from Defense Authorization. In July 2009, XXXX voted against an amendment that would strip the fiscal 2010 defense authorization bill of $1.75 billion to buy seven more F-22s. The amendment would increase the authorization for Army operations and maintenance by $350 million, Navy operations and maintenance by $100 million, Air Force operations and maintenance by $250 million, defense-wide activities by $150 million, military personnel by $400 million and general Defense Department activities by $500 million. President Obama supported halting production of the jets. The Senate voted 58-40 to strip the funding. [Vote 235, 7/21/09] XXXX Voted Against $361 Million for Armored Humvees. In 2005, XXXX voted against increasing funding for the procurement of Army Tactical Wheeled Vehicles in Iraq and Afghanistan by $360.8 million. A Senate aide said that the money would go toward add-on armor kits for existing Humvees and new armored trucks for troop and cargo transport. [Vote 248, 10/5/05; Defense Daily, 10/5/05] XXXX Voted Against $213 Million for Armored Humvees. In 2005, XXXX voted against providing an additional $213 million for procurement of Army Humvees. [Vote 108, 4/21/05; CQ Today, 4/21/05] XXXX Voted to Reimburse Soldiers Who Paid for Own Equipment. In June 2004, XXXX voted for an amendment that would require the Defense secretary to reimburse members of the armed forces deployed in operations in Iraq or Afghanistan for the cost of any protective, safety or health equipment purchased by or on behalf of such members by their families, non-profit organizations or community groups for use in connection with the operations. [S 2400, Vote 112, 6/14/04] XXXX Opposed Funding $322 Million For Protective Gear For Troops. In October 2003, XXXX voted against a proposal to take $322 million from Iraqi prison building and witness protection funds and use it for vests and other protective gear for troops. [Vote 376, 10/2/03; CQ Today, 10/2/03] 314

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