XXXX Voted Against Monitoring Air Toxins Following Large Fires. In 2003, XXXX voted against an amendment that would authorize a program for the EPA to monitor additional air toxins following a fire that is declared a federal disaster. Monitoring would end when the EPA has determined the danger has subsided. [HR 1904, Vote 418, 10/29/03] XXXX Voted to Thin Forests in Danger of Wildfires. In 2003, XXXX voted for an amendment that would strike authorize $760 million for thinning dense forests. It would allow treatment of up to 20 million acres of federal land at high risk of catastrophic wildfire. It would limit preliminary court injunctions against logging projects to 60 days, subject to the renewal once the court has reviewed them. It would require the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management to fully maintain or contribute to the restoration of old-growth trees and maximize the retention of large trees. [HR 1904, Vote 416, 10/29/03] XXXX Voted Against $825 Million in Wildfire Suppression. In September 2002, XXXX voted against invoking cloture on an amendment that would provide $825 million to replace funds that previously were taken out for emergency wildfire suppression expenses. As amended, it also would provide nearly $6 billion in disaster aid for farmers. The substitute would appropriate $19.3 billion in fiscal 2003 for the Interior Department and related agencies and programs. [HR 5093, Vote 224, 9/25/02] XXXX Voted Against $825 Million in Wildfire Suppression. In September 2002, XXXX voted against invoking cloture on an amendment that would provide $825 million to replace funds that previously were taken out for emergency wildfire suppression expenses. As amended, it also would provide nearly $6 billion in disaster aid for farmers. The substitute would appropriate $19.3 billion in fiscal 2003 for the Interior Department and related agencies and programs. [HR 5093, Vote 221, 9/23/02] XXXX Voted Against $825 Million in Wildfire Suppression. In 2002, XXXX voted against invoking cloture on an amendment that would provide $825 million to replace funds that previously were taken out for emergency wildfire suppression expenses. As amended, it also would provide nearly $6 billion in disaster aid for farmers. The substitute would appropriate $19.3 billion in fiscal 2003 for the Interior Department and related agencies and programs. [HR 5093, Vote 217, 9/17/02] NUCLEAR POWER, WASTE & YUCCA MOUNTAIN XXXX Voted Against Cleaning Up Radioactive Waste Sites. In 2004, XXXX voted against requiring the Department of Energy to clean up millions of gallons of highly radioactive waste in corroding tanks. One of the main sites of where these tanks are stored is the Savannah River site, a major source of drinking water for South Carolina and Georgia. [Vote 107, 6/3/04] XXXX Supported $31.2 Billion for Energy and Water Projects; Including Yucca Mountain. In July 2005, XXXX voted for $31.2 billion in energy and water development projects, including $577 million for the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository. [Vote 172, 7/1/05] XXXX Opposed Amendment To Block Funding For Developing Innovative Power Plant Technology. In 2005, XXXX opposed an amendment that aimed to strike a provision that would have provided incentives in the form of loan guarantees for the development of innovative power plant technology such as those used in nuclear plants.[Vote 155, 6/29/05] XXXX Opposed Amendment to Strike Loan Guarantees for Nuclear Power Plants. XXXX opposed amendment introduced by Sen. Ron Wyden that would strike from the 2003 energy bill a provision authorizing loan guarantees covering half the construction costs of about seven new nuclear power plants and allowing the Energy Department to buy electricity from those plants. [Vote 214, 6/10/03] XXXX Voted For A $27 Billion Energy and Water Bill, Which Included Funding for Research on Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons. In 2003, XXXX voted against an effort to cut $68.6 million for nuclear weapons research from the energy and water development bill. The vote put the Senate at odds with the House, which cut most of the 123

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