XXXX Voted Against Adding Prescription Drug To Medicare. In 2000, XXXX voted against an amendment that would add a large new prescription drug program to Medicare, which would provide prescription drug benefits to Medicare recipients as an entitlement. Private sector contractors would be hired to provide the benefits. The amendment was rejected, 44-53. [Vote 144, 6/22/00] XXXX Voted to Cut Taxes by $150 Billion and Established Reserve Fund for Medicare and Rx Drug Program. In April 2000, XXXX voted for adopting the conference report on the fiscal 2001 concurrent resolution on the budget. The resolution calls for cutting taxes by $150 billion over five years and creates a 'reserve fund' of $25 billion that could also be used for tax cuts. It also would establish a $40 billion reserve fund for Medicare overhaul and to provide prescription drug coverage for seniors. The plan calls for $600.3 billion in discretionary spending and allows for $310.8 billion in defense appropriations. It would set non-defense discretionary spending at $289.5 billion. The bill passed 50-48. [Vote 85, 4/13/00] Rx DRUG REIMPORTATION XXXX Voted Against Allowing Reimportation Of Prescription Drugs From Canada. In May 2012, XXXX voted against McCain, R-Ariz., amendment no. 2107 that would allow the importation by individuals of drugs from approved Canadian online pharmacies. It would require the Health and Human Services secretary to publish on the Food and Drug Administration website a list of approved Canadian pharmacies, including their website addresses. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 43-54 (D 26-24; R 16-29; I 1-1). [Vote 108, 5/24/12] XXXX Voted Against Allowing Consumers to Import Prescription Drugs from Other Countries. In December 2009, XXXX voted against an attempt by Sen. Dorgan to allow consumers to import prescription drugs into the United States from other countries. It would have waived a limitation on importing prescription drugs for registered importers and individuals for personal use. The amendment was defeated 51-48 in a vote that divided both parties. [CQ Today, 12/15/09; Vote 377, 12/15/09]  XXXX Voted For A Similar Amendment Allowing Prescription Drugs Importation, Requiring HHS Secretary to Certify No Risk to Public. XXXX voted for an alternative amendment from Frank. R. Lautenberg, D-N.J., that was identical to Dorgan’s language except for a provision that would require the secretary of Health and Human Services to certify that the provisions would “pose no additional risk to the public’s health and safety, and result in a significant reduction in the cost of covered products to the American consumer” before it could take effect. The amendment failed 56-43. [CQ Today, 12/15/09; Vote 378, 12/15/09] XXXX Voted For Re-Importation. XXXX voted for an amendment to the FY2009 budget that called on senate leaders to bring to the floor for debate on legislation that would legalize the importation of prescription drugs from highly industrialized countries. [Vote 84, 3/14/08] XXXX Voted Against Re-Importation in 2007. In May 2007, XXXX voted against allowing the importation of safe, affordable prescription drugs from Canada. The amendment would have allowed the importation of drugs if imported by a registered importer or by an individual for personal use from a registered exporter from Canada, the European Union, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Japan, and other countries designated by the HHS Secretary if such importation did not adversely affect public health. Unlike XXXX, sixteen Republican senators voted to invoke cloture on the bill. [Vote 150, 5/3/07] VOTED TO BLOCK XXXX Voted to Make It Harder to Import Prescription Drugs in 2006. In 2006, XXXX voted against Senator David Vitter’s proposal to bar U.S. Customs agents from enforcing a Food and Drug Administration ban on importing prescription drugs from Canada. [Vote 191, 7/11/06; Times-Picayune, 7/12/06] XXXX Motioned to Kill An Amendment Requiring Drug Makers to Sell to U.S. Buyers on Same Terms as They Offer Canada. In 2003, XXXX led an attempt to kill an amendment to require U.S. drug makers to sell drugs on the same terms as they offer to buyers in Canada. The amendment would require U.S. drug makers to sell 172

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