complete certain security measures before illegal immigrants who receive provisional legal status can become permanent residents. It would make available $30 billion for the department to hire 19,200 border control agents, $8 billion to build 700 miles of border fencing and $4.5 billion for technology such as cameras and drones. It would mandate starting removal proceedings for at least 90 percent of visa overstays, or individuals who enter the United States legally but who stay beyond the duration of their visas. It also would prevent immigrants from claiming Social Security benefits for work they did while unauthorized and bar non-citizens from receiving public assistance. The amendment was adopted by a vote of 69-29 (D 52-0; R 15-29; I 2-0). The Christian Science Monitor reported, “Immigration reform continued forward on Wednesday, when the Senate approved an amendment promising a ‘border surge’ by a 69-27 vote.” [Vote 163, 6/26/13; Christian Science Monitor, 6/26/13] XXXX Voted In Favor Of Killing Comprehensive Immigration Reform. In June 2013, XXXX voted against “a motion to waive a Republican budget point of order against the bill.” The motion was agreed to by a vote of 68-30 (D 52-0; R 14-30; I 2-0). [Vote 162, 6/26/13; The Hill, 6/26/13] XXXX Voted Against “Border Surge” That Included Doubling Border Patrol Agents, Building 350 More Miles Of Border Fence And Invest Billions in Border Security. In June 2013, XXXX voted against a motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the Leahy, D-Vt., amendment no. 1183 that would require the Homeland Security Department to complete certain security measures, including fencing along the southern border, more border agents and technology, and an entry-exit system at airports and seaports, before illegal immigrants who receive provisional legal status can become permanent residents. It also would prevent immigrants from claiming Social Security benefits for work they did while unauthorized and bar non-citizens from receiving public assistance. The motion was agreed to by a vote of 67-27 (D 50-0; R 15-27; I 2-0). According to the Arizona Republic, “The Senate's vote Monday to add an aggressive, $38billion ‘border surge’ package to its sweeping immigration- overhaul bill makes it all but certain the landmark legislation will pass later this week with strong bipartisan support. Senators voted 67-27 to end debate on the border-security compromise, which would double the number of Border Patrol agents to about 40,000, build 350 more miles of fence along the southwestern border, and invest in drones, radar and other surveillance equipment to detect illegal border crossings.” [Vote 160, 6/24/13; Arizona Republic, 6/25/13] XXXX Voted For Republican Poison Pill “Border Surge” Policy That Included Less Funding For Border Security. In June 2013, XXXX voted against a motion to kill Senator Cornyn’s border security amendment to comprehensive immigration reform. The Dallas Morning News reported, “The Senate rejected a tough border security plan Thursday from Texas Sen. John Cornyn, but key lawmakers embraced an even more ambitious ‘surge’ policy to double the Border Patrol and build 700 miles of fencing. At $30 billion, the new security deal would cost far more than Cornyn proposed. But unlike his approach, it contains no firm ‘triggers’ tying success at curbing illegal immigration to eventual citizenship for 11 million people in the country illegally. The bipartisan ‘Gang of Eight’ embraced the new formula as a break-through. It yielded a fresh wave of GOP support for the broader immigration deal - dramatically boosting the chance of passage by the July 4 recess. Cornyn and other critics complained that without a trigger, the only guarantee is spending, not security.” The New York Times noted that the amendment was considered a “poison pill” because it was “logistically hard to achieve and could indefinitely delay citizenship for those covered by the measure.” The motion to table the bill was agreed to by a vote of 54-43 (D 48-2; R 4-41; I 2-0). [Vote 159, 6/20/13; Dallas Morning News, 6/21/13; New York Times, 6/21/13] XXXX Voted To Delay Enacting Immigration Reform Until Congress Certifies That The Border Is Secure. In June 2013, XXXX voted in favor of Lee, R-Utah, amendment no. 1208 that would require congressional approval of the Homeland Security Department's border security and fencing strategies within 30 days of receiving the department's report. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 39-59 (D 1-51; R 38-6; I 0-2). According to the Washington Times, “Senators said Wednesday they don't want to be involved in certifying whether the border is secure, saying that putting that question before a political body could keep illegal immigrants from being legalized. The Senate voted 59-39 to defeat an amendment by Sen. Mike Lee, Utah Republican, that would have required the Senate to certify the border is secure before the pathway to citizenship could commence for illegal immigrants.” [Vote 156, 6/19/13 Washington Times, 6/20/13] 217

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