cost should be offset. But he relented, accepting an offer from Democratic leadership to have a vote on his proposal to pay for the bill’s cost by preventing “black liquor,” a wood byproduct, from being eligible for the cellulosic biofuels producer tax credit. XXXX supported Bunning’s block on the extension (verify if true). The extender bill passed 78-19. [CQ Today, 3/02/10; Vote 32, 3/02/10]  XXXX Voted for Bunning’s Gimmick Amendment to Offset Costs in Short Term Extension Bill By Blocking an Obscure Tax Credit. In March 2010, XXXX voted for an amendment that would offset the cost of a short term extension of federal programs, including expanded unemployment benefits, by preventing “black liquor,” a wood byproduct, from being eligible for the cellulosic biofuels producer tax credit. The provisions had expired on February 28, after Republican Jim Bunning blocked the legislation. Bunning finally relented after agreeing to allow a vote on this provision, offsetting the cost. The amendment failed 43-53. [CQ Today, 3/02/10; Vote 31, 3/02/10] XXXX Voted For Extending Unemployment and COBRA Benefits for Jobless Workers. In December 2009, XXXX voted for a $636 billion Defense spending bill, the last of the fiscal 2010 appropriations measures, that also extended through the end of February a number of expiring non-Defense programs, including expanded unemployment and health care benefits that were part of the economic stimulus bill enacted early that year. These include a subsidy for health insurance costs paid by laid-off workers who keep coverage from their previous employer under a federal program known as COBRA. The bill passed 88-10. [CQ Today, 12/19/09; Vote 384, 12/19/09] XXXX Voted For an Expansion of Unemployment Benefits for U.S. Workers. In October 2009, XXXX voted to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the Reid, D-Nevada motion to proceed to the bill that would provide additional unemployment benefits for U.S. workers and extend through 2010 a tax rate of 6.2 percent on certain wages. The motion was agreed to 87-13. [Vote 329, 10/27/09] NOTE: XXXX did vote for a motion to invoke cloture on the substitute amendment (Vote 332), to invoke cloture on the bill (Vote 333) and for final passage of the unemployment benefits extension (Vote 334). XXXX Voted For Extending Unemployment Compensation for Workers Whose Benefits Have Run Out. In November 2008, XXXX voted for legislation that would extend unemployment compensation for workers whose benefits have run out. The bill would extend unemployment compensation by seven weeks for workers whose benefits have run out, and by 13 weeks for workers in states with jobless rates higher than 6 percent. The extended benefits would be available to individuals who exhaust the normal unemployment compensation by March 31, 2009. The bill passed on a voice vote after an 89-6 motion to invoke cloture. [CQ Today, 11/20/08; Vote 214, 11/20/08] XXXX Voted For Supplemental Funding for War in Iraq, Unemployment Benefits, New GI Bill. In June 2006, XXXX voted for a war supplemental spending bill that would provide $165.4 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and $21 billion for domestic spending, including a major expansion of veterans' education benefits, a 13-week extension of unemployment and Midwestern flood aid. The bill passed 92-6. [CongressNow, 6/26/08; Vote 162, 6/26/08] XXXX Voted Against Unemployment Benefits for Katrina Victims. In September 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment that would have provided financial relief for victims of hurricane Katrina. The amendment would have allowed up to 52 weeks of unemployment benefits for an individual who lost their job due to a major disaster, under the Disaster Unemployment Assistance Program. [Vote 234, 9/15/05] XXXX Voted to Limit the Accrual Period for the Employee Wage Priority. In 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment that would strike the 180-day limit on the accrual period for the employee wage priority to protect the back pay and severance for workers whose employers are in bankruptcy. [Vote 32, 3/9/05] XXXX Voted Against Extending Unemployment Benefits. In 2004, XXXX voted against a proposal to provide an additional 13 weeks of unemployment benefits for people who had exhausted their state jobless benefits. [Vote 18, 2/26/04] 232

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