XXXX Voted to Form a Committee to Recommend Changes to Medicare. In March 2005, XXXX voted for an amendment that would express the sense of the Senate that the Health and Human Services secretary, working with a bi-partisan group of governors and stakeholders, make recommendations for changes to the Medicaid program. It also would express the sense of the Senate that the Finance Committee shall report a reconciliation bill that allows for Medicaid savings to be shared by federal and state governments, would emphasize state flexibility through voluntary options for states and would not cause Medicaid recipients to lose coverage. [S Con Res 18, Vote 57, 3/17/05] XXXX Voted Against Making It Harder For Lawmakers To Spend Social Security And Medicare Surpluses. In 2001, XXXX missed a vote for the a Democratic plan requiring the assent of 60 of the 100 senators to approve tax cuts or new spending that would eat into the projected surpluses of Social Security and Medicare. [S 1077, 7/10/03, Vote 221; Associated Press, 7/10/01] XXXX Voted Against $40 Billion In Aid to States, Including $20 Billion in Medicaid Assistance. In 2003, XXXX voted against an amendment that would have provided $40 billion in aid to states and localities, with $16 billion in grants for states, $4 billion to localities, and $20 billion for a temporary increase in federal Medicaid assistance to states. [Vote 158, 5/15/03] XXXX Voted to Increase Medicare Payments For Rural Areas. In 2003, XXXX voted for an amendment that would alter Medicare payment formulas to increase payments to providers in rural areas, bringing them in line with urban areas in other parts of the country. The changes would be offset by other spending changes within Medicare. [S 1054, Vote 156, 5/15/03] XXXX Voted Against Expressing That Funding Of Programs For Low-Income Families – Including Medicare – Should Not Be Cut. In 2003, XXXX voted against expressing the sense of the Senate that programs for low-income families, especially Medicare, should not be cut. The vote was on an amendment that would express the sense of the Senate that the budget resolution conference report should not include a funding reduction of programs for low-income families below the current baseline levels, and that the 1993 tax increase on Social Security benefits can be repealed without harming the solvency of the Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund. [Vote 101, 3/25/03] XXXX Voted Against Increasing Medicare Funding By $25 Billion. In 2003, XXXX voted against an amendment that would have increased spending on Medicare by $25 billion, in an effort to reduce disparities in Medicare reimbursements to health care providers. The amendment would have increased spending on Medicare by $25 billion for the purpose of reducing the geographic disparity in Medicare reimbursement payments to health care providers and hospitals. The increase would be offset by a reduction in tax cuts [Vote 89, 3/25/03] XXXX Voted Against $4.1 Billion to Extend Medicare Funding for Six Months. In 2003, XXXX voted against providing $4.1 billion to extend for six months Medicare funding due to expire April 1. Funding levels would remain at fiscal 2002 levels and would expire Sept. 30. The funding would be offset by an extension of Customs Service user fees. [Vote 21, 1/23/03] XXXX Voted To Add Corporate Tax Break And Billions In Extra Medicaid Funding To Economic Stimulus Package. In 2002, XXXX voted for adding a corporate tax break and billions of dollars in extra Medicaid money for the states to economic stimulus legislation. The tax break would allow large businesses to take an immediate 30 percent deduction on equipment purchased in 2002 and 2003. [HR 622, Vote 10, 1/29/02; Associated Press, 1/29/02; Congressional Quarterly Daily Monitor, 1/29/02] XXXX Opposed An Amendment That Would Enact Protections For The Medicare Trust Fund. In 2001, XXXX voted against an amendment to the President’s tax cuts that would ensure that each year the on-budget surplus exceeded the Medicare surplus for that year and to create a 60-vote point of order against legislation that would use funds from the Medicare trust fund for purposes other than providing Medicare Part A (hospitalization) benefits. The motion was rejected, 46-54. [HR 1836, Vote 160, 5/23/01] 161

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